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Town of Los Altos Hills <br />,Personnel Rules & Regulations <br />SECTION 1 <br />GENERAL PROVISIONS <br />1.1 COVERAGE <br />These rules establish the personnel system for the Town of Los Altos Hills. These rules shall <br />apply to all employees of the Town except Sections 10 and 11, which shall not apply to <br />employees excluded from the competitive service. Furthermore, any section or provision <br />which excludes a particular category of employment from coverage or defines the category <br />of employment that is covered shall govern, and employees not covered by the section or <br />provision shall not be entitled to the benefits or rights described therein. <br />In addition, the provisions of Section 14.1, the Town's Anti -Discrimination and Harassment <br />Policy, shall also apply to all elective officers and their duly appointed deputies, members <br />of appointive boards, commission and committees, persons engaged under contract, and <br />volunteer personnel. <br />1.2 PERSONNEL ORDINANCE <br />These Personnel Rules and Regulations are adopted pursuant to Resolution No. xx-24 <br />adopted September19, 2023 May 19, 2016 by the City Council of the Town of Los Altos <br />Hills. <br />1.3 AMENDMENT OF RULES <br />Amendment and revisions of these rules and regulations shall become effective upon <br />adoption by the City Council. <br />1.4 VIOLATION OF RULES <br />Violation of the provisions of these rules -and regulations shall be grounds for rejection of <br />applicants or disciplinary action of incumbent employees, including suspension, demotion <br />or dismissal. <br />1.5 MEMBERSHIP IN EMPLOYEE REPRESENTATION ORGANIZATIONS <br />The City Manager shall designate the employees by job titles who have been determined <br />to be management and confidential employees. Management and confidential employees <br />may not represent any employee organization which represents other employees on <br />matters within the scope of representation. <br />All other employees of the Town shall have the right to form, join and participate in the <br />activities of employee organizations representing appropriate bargaining units of their own <br />choosing for the purposes of representation on all matters of employer-employee <br />relations, including, but not limited to, wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of <br />employment. <br />Employees of the Town shall also have the right to refuse to join or participate in the <br />activities of employee organizations, and shall have the right to represent themselves <br />11 <br />