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Cassingham clarified that the agreement before Council is in its "final form". There are <br /> three outstanding issues that staff would like Council to be aware of and provide direction <br /> • to staff, specifically; the Architect's claim-made insurance policy versus the occurrence- <br /> based policy that is better protection for the owner, the scope of the Architect's services <br /> has been modified to delete the Construction Management Services which will be <br /> separately contracted by the Town with a construction management firm having public <br /> project expertise and finally, the Town proposes to include language suggested by the <br /> Town Hall Committee Chair to better define the Project Team. <br /> Councilmember Kerr explained that the language he has suggested for the Agreement is <br /> similar to one that he uses with his clients that permits a point person or team to answer <br /> questions. <br /> Councilmember Fenwick recommended that Mayor Cheng and Councilmember Kerr act <br /> as the point team during the design phase. <br /> Mayor Cheng agreed to serve in this capacity noting that this was a very important <br /> proj ect. <br /> City Attorney Steve Mattas explained that the future agreement with the Construction <br /> Manager would contain language that specifies the duties of the construction manager and <br /> the scope of the authority that they would have if an issue were to arise during <br /> construction. If the question were beyond his/her scope of authority, it would be <br /> necessary to return to Council for the answer. <br /> S MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Kerr, seconded by O'Malley and <br /> passed unanimously to approve the Agreement between Peter Duxbury, Duxbury <br /> Architects and the Town of Los Altos Hills for Architectural Services for the New Town <br /> Hall with the following amendments: during the design phase of the new Town Hall <br /> project, the Mayor and Chair of the New Town Hall Committee will serve in the capacity <br /> of the point team and have the authority to answer questions that might arise from the <br /> architect and to request the architect to guarantee that he will maintain liability-based <br /> insurance for three years if it is reasonably commercially available. <br /> 6. NEW BUSINESS <br /> 6.1 Acceptance of Matrix Consulting Group Report on Planning and Building <br /> Departments <br /> Planning Director Carl Cahill introduced this item to Council. He presented Council with <br /> a brief overview of the staff report they had before them. The City Council authorized <br /> the award of bid for consulting services to the Matrix Consulting Group to conduct an <br /> analysis and review of the Planning and Building Department's customer service <br /> operation on February 20, 2003. This request for an independent analysis by the Planning <br /> Director and City Manager was consistent with the other recently conducted Town <br /> departmental reviews intended to improve customer service levels and identify and <br /> correct areas of organizational inefficiency. The Matrix report confirms that the Town is <br /> 6 City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> June 19,2003 <br />