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RESOLUTION 20-24 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS <br />HILLS APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE <br />MATADERO CREEK RESTORATION AND BANK STABILIZATION <br />PROJECT; APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFACATIONS FOR THE <br />MATADERO CREEK RESTORATION OFFSITE MITIGATION PLANTING <br />AND FENCING PROJECT AT BYRNE PRESERVE; AUTHORIZING STAFF TO <br />ADVERTISE THE PROJECTS FOR FORMAL BIDS; AND APPROVING <br />COVENENT AND DEED RESTRICTIONS ON TOWN PARCELS APN 182-32- <br />008 AND PARCEL APN 182-32-021 <br />WHEREAS, the Matadero Creels Erosion Repair has been approved in the Town Capital <br />Budget since FY2013-14; and <br />WHEREAS, the Plans and Specifications for the Matadero Creek Restoration and Bank <br />Stabilization for the erosion repair work have been completed; and <br />WHEREAS, as required by the Water Board to mitigate permanent impacts from the <br />Matadero Creek erosion repair, proposed mitigation measures include On -Site Creation, <br />Offsite Enhancement, and Offsite Preservation; and <br />WHEREAS, the Offsite Preservation measure includes preserving 0.88 -acre of open <br />space parcels and associated riparian habitat 816 linear feet along Matadero Creek; and <br />WHEREAS, the Offsite Preservation measure requires covenant and deed restrictions on <br />two parcels, APN 182-32-008 and APN 182-32-021, along the Matadero Creels riparian <br />corridor, which are zoned Open Space Reserve; and <br />WHEREAS, the Offsite Enhancement mitigation includes enhancing 848 linear feet of a <br />tributary area to Moody Creek by installing riparian plantings at Byrne Preserve; and <br />WHEREAS, the Plans and Specifications for the Matadero Creels Restoration Offsite <br />Mitigation Planting and Fencing at Byrne Preserve have been completed; and <br />WHEREAS, staff recommends that the City Council approve the Plans and <br />Specifications for both the Matadero Creek Restoration and Bank Stabilization Project <br />and the Matadero Creels Restoration Offsite Mitigation Planting and authorize staff to <br />advertise the projects for formal bids; and <br />WHEREAS, staff recommends that the City Council approve the deed restrictions to <br />Town parcels, APN 182-32-008 and APN 182-32-021 for County recordation; and <br />WHEREAS, with a request for Council award of the Matadero Creels Restoration and <br />Bank Stabilization Project in July 2024, staff would also request Council to approve the <br />first amendment to ENGEO's consultant services agreement to include construction <br />management services for an additional fee of approximately $230,000. <br />Resolution 20-24 <br />