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RESOLUTION 23-24 <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS <br />HILLS APPROVING SUMMARY VACATION OF PUBLIC UTILITY AND <br />SANITARY SEWER EASEMENTS AT 13334 LA CRESTA DRIVE <br />WHEREAS, Chapter 4 of the Public Streets, Highways and Service Easement Vacation <br />Law, commencing with Streets and Highway Code Section 8330, provides for summary vacation <br />of streets and public service easements; and <br />WHEREAS, Section 8333 of the Streets and Highways Code authorizes the legislative <br />body of a local agency to summarily vacate public service utilities easements when the <br />easements are no longer needed; and <br />WHEREAS, staff evaluated that there are no existing and future utility needs for the <br />easements described in Exhibits A and B located within the property of 13334 La Cresta Drive; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council intends to summarily vacate the sanitary sewer and public <br />utility easements as described in Exhibits A and B. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Town of Los <br />Altos Hills that: <br />1. This vacation is made under the authority of California Streets and Highways Code <br />Chapter 4 of part 3 of Division 9, commencing at Section 8330 et. seq. <br />a. The sanitary sewer and public utility easements located within the property of <br />13334 La Cresta Drive (as described herein on Exhibits A and B) have not <br />been used for the purpose for which they were dedicated for at least <br />consecutive five (5) years; and <br />b. No other public facilities located within the portion of the above-mentioned <br />sanitary sewer and public utility easements; and <br />c. The sanitary sewer and public utility easements within the property of 13334 <br />La Cresta Drive will not be needed in the future. <br />2. Based upon the findings made above of this Resolution and the provisions of Section <br />8333 of the Streets and Highways Code, the City Council does hereby order that the <br />sanitary sewer and public utility easements within the property lines of 13334 La <br />Cresta Drive as described on Exhibits A and B shall and hereby be summarily <br />vacated. <br />3. The City Clerk is hereby directed and authorized to certify and record this Resolution, <br />including the Exhibits attached hereto, at the Santa Clara County, Office of the <br />Recorder. <br />4. The public service easements for sanitary sewer and public utilities as described on <br />Exhibits A and B within the property lines of 13334 La Cresta Drive will no longer <br />Resolution 23-24 <br />