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THIS AMENDED AND RESTATED FUNDING AGREE1:MENT ("AGREEMENT") is entered 1: in to as of the last date <br />an; is D IENT"). and <br />a' etween the TOWN OF LO: ALTOS HILLS ("'REC11p, <br />of signatwe below E:FFECTIVE DATE S <br />SANTA CERA VALLEY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY ("TTAN"). RECIPIENT and VTA may oeindividuatly <br />efe: <br />,r rred to as ""PARTY" or collecti ely referred to as "PARTIE,S., <br />IE ECITALS <br />1. Whereas, on June 24, 2016, the'VTA, Board of Directors ("'VTA BOARD-") adopted a resolution to place <br />ballot measu? ta ClaCounty: '"SCC!") November 2016 to authorize a <br />a re betore the Clea voters of San <br />o <br />f - s fonine-half of :one percent retail tra�nrsaction and use tax ('"2016 MEASURE B, 30 yea rr ine <br />transportatim-related program categories, <br />2. Whereas. on Nlovenl <br />beir,8, 2016, the: voters of Santa Clara County enacted.2016 MEASURE B for 30 <br />years to pay for the in transportation -related program categones-1, <br />31. Whereas, on October 5, 2017, the VT A BOARD estab. , [ished the 2016: Measure 13 Program <br />ROGRAM-"') and adopted the 2016 Measure B Program CategoryGuide"nes, ("GUIDELINES"). In <br />is <br />1: !R <br />add,ritii <br />on -11 VTA establshed a PROGRA MANUAL Both the GUIDELINES and th, PRO:G AM MANUAL <br />are incorporated into this Agreement by this reference, and available at www.lvta,.orlg or upon request <br />to VTA- <br />4. Whereas, the PROGRAM includes a Bicycle & Pedestrian: pro ram category("BIKE/PED CATEGORY') <br />9 <br />to <br />fund bicycle and pedestrian projects and educational programs; <br />01, 1 <br />5. Whereas, the B1KE/PED CATEGORY conslists of three sub -categories, including the educatilon & <br />;encouragement pro r <br />,g. arn:("BIKE/PED E&E PROGRAM' <br />6 <br />Wherern *11 be 30 years. from the ihitia,[ year of collection, . as, the duatioof 2016 MEASURE B w <br />beginning Agri] 1, 2017, and continuing through March 3:1, 21047; <br />1 <br />7. Whereas, thePARTIES entered into: a funding agreement for the BIKE/PEI) E&E PROGRAM funds on <br />October 1, 2;020, which expires on June 30,2025 ("PRIOR AGREEMENT"); and <br />8. Whereas, the PARTIES desire to amend: and restate the PRIOR AGREEMENT to, among other things, <br />SpeciN- the terms and conditions under whichwt 'It a,dmfn ister BIKE/PED E&E PROGRAM funds <br />i <br />allocated to VTA and RECIPIENT through the If1 <br />fe of the PROGRAM. <br />: <br />NOW, TI-IEREFORE, in consWeration of the mutuaf promises contailnedin thi: "s AGREEMENT the PARTIES <br />agree as follows: <br />Rev 0531.24 Page 1 of IS <br />