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X11. Purchase and distribution of incentives for education /encouragem.ent activities. <br />X11. Organization and implementation of crosswalk stings or other activities that educate <br />-roadway users on traffic laws,. Crosswalk stings are activities conducted by law enforcement <br />to educate the public about crosswalk right of way laws that may or may not include <br />citat ! i ons. <br />X1, Oi <br />g <br />rgan,za to ion aria impier nentation of special community events focused on achievin, the <br />BIKE/PED E PROGRAM goals described in Section 11, Paragraph 1BIKE/PEDE&E PROGRAM <br />DEFINITION, such as community rides or walks. <br />.x V. Energizer statiOns and otherBitke to Wherever Day activities, <br />V. Implementation of valet bicycle parki] <br />ng. <br />,ia, surveys of <br />XV11'. Community-` le pedestrr' in facilities and surrounfain areas to learn,, <br />based Of <br />to I <br />obsierve, and identify bicycle and pedestria n hot spots. <br />x. 1ap roves writing. <br />1. Any other program or activity VTC V - P re - P ire <br />*Any safety campaign or puioric service announcement targeted to motorists must focus on <br />safe, respionsiblie and respectffW motorist interactions with pedestrians ain.a: bicyclists., <br />rC'tted to use BIKE PED E&E PROGRAM funds allocatel for (i) direct costs and . RECIPIENT is pe:::rzm,:i d <br />staff time costs incurred �p 'for <br />by REC PIENT to support E&E ROJECTS, and (H) costs incurred <br />ev: aluation of the ESEJE TS as, r re under lection 4. EVALUATI N REQUIREMENTS). <br />D. Notwithstanding any other provision of thi's AGREEMENT, RECIPIENT is, not permitted to use, <br />ts. <br />BIKE/PED ESE :PR:0GRAM funds, for ca; i'ttal trn:provernen, <br />ip <br />r% <br />E. E PROJECTS may be targeted and I'Mited to specific demo,grap,hl*cs'l':nCIruding,,,b.,ut not lirnited t <br />bt bited by appl'cab:le law. <br />ors, or peoplewithdisa:' ill" ies tothe extent not prohi 1 1 <br />school children, seni th <br />F. Only ISE ISE E&E -PROGRAM costs incurred by REC[PIENTon or after July 1, 2017, will be efigibIle <br />for reirnbursernentL <br />EVALUATION REQUIREMENTS <br />A. RECIPIENT must ildent'ify (i) the project reach and scale of eachE&E PROJECT and (ii) one ormore <br />: <br />metric(s) that will beused to evaluate whether the goal was achieved. Examples of acceptable <br />metrics are set forth in Attachment A. <br />4tt <br />obtain prior wn � enapproval of the bra and schedule <br />As <br />B REC1PIENT mustildent"fy and obt n VT <br />of eacEE PROJECT evaluation. <br />S. MAXIUMUM FUNDING ALLOCATIONS <br />.A. RECIPIENVS maximum funding allocation Tor each fiscal year (July 1st through June 30th) will be <br />based upon the VTA BOARDs Adopted Bilenniia I Budget for the BIKE/PED ME PROiGRAM and the <br />annual fund distribution formula described below. <br />Rev 05.31.24 Page 3 o 18 <br />