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i u <br />B. Annual Fund Distribut'lon Formula. The BIKE/PED E&E PROGRAM annual fund di rib t* <br />formula *s calculated every two fiscal years in line wfth VTA�s: budget cycle) and i's based on the <br />following.. <br />L First,, at the same time that STA plans and finalizes 'Its budget for the two upcoming fiscal <br />years, the VTA BOARD determines the allocation of 2016 MEASURE B funds for the two <br />'upcoming fiscal years.. <br />11. Second, the: VTABOARD determines the amountof 2016 MEASURE �B funds t,oi be allocated <br />i 41 <br />amongst the PROGRAM categories and subcategories, including the, BIKE/PED E&E <br />PROGRAM CATEGORY. <br />tUff Third :1 'TA and the County of Santa Clara for countywide ith <br />I an allocation � s, made to V I <br />respect to Santa Clara County) BIKE/PED E&E PROGRALM activities C"COUNTYWIDE1 <br />,ACTIVITIES"""),. Pier the GUIDELINES, COUNTYWIDE A, CTIVITIES will re celve 25%, of . milabe <br />B :I <br />i KE/PEDE&EPOGRAIVI funds. <br />I. Fourththe 2016 Measu: e B funds remaining for the BIKE/PED E&E PROGRAM category <br />a <br />U <br />ll cation are calculated bydeducting the amount allocated for CO' NTYWIDEACT� ' IVTJES <br />11. 1 It <br />in sub para, raph (Iii"i), i diate k, vefromthe total.B[KE/PED E&E PROGRAMcategory <br />g " Imme I ty aao <br />'RE: Af ING FUNDS"'). <br />allocation (;' M N <br />Vt. SIXTHeach CITY PERCENTAGE SHARE ('Including the SCC PERCENTAGE SHARE)Is mItedultiOli 1 <br />by the REMAINING FUND.S to determine the dollar amount that would be allocated to each <br />11 f <br />pity based o� their CTY PERCENTAGE Si- however, no all0cati <br />cl n I Jon is yet made at this <br />Crit*, ji I <br />�h c i i <br />step. <br />its that would receive less, than! $10,000 as a result of t :e � alculatdon dscried cribed in <br />Section (v) will beidentiffied as (1 POP CITIES"). <br />V111. Eighth, the modified REMAINING FUNDS are: calculated by subtracting the cumulative total <br />OD � <br />of allocations made to LOW POP CITIES from the REMAINING FUNDS "MREMANING <br />FUNDS"'). <br />Rev 05.31.24 Page r4 of 18 <br />