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Ninth i Jed %>anta Clara County population is calc lated by deducting the SCC <br />Ix. I a :m o dif; U <br />UININCORP POP and all LOW POP CITIES from the TOTAL SCC POP ("MOD]FIED <br />POP ULATION") <br />X. Tenth., a modififed population percentage share ("MOID CITY PERCENTAGE SHARr) lis <br />ca , ng lculated for all cities that are not LOW POP CITII S (".NO:'N­1L0W POP CIT: ES") by divii dif <br />P T ing <br />.1 "S total po,,, n he M01,DtFIED PO: :ULA [ON and multiplyi <br />the NON-LOWIPOP �C TY puiatio by t <br />the result by 100. <br />x <br />ti. Eleventheach NON -LOW POPCITYS �MOD CIT` PERCENTAGE SHARE Ismultiptied by he <br />a n of <br />MOD REMAINING FUNDS to calculateeach NON -LOW POPCITY's"'.1 onal allocatio: <br />2016 Measure B funds for the BIKE/PED E&E PROGRAM category. This allocation will be <br />made In addition to the; 10K ALLOCAT1,0N described above. <br />C. RRCI PIEN'Vs allocations are subject to change: based on, ll ion made by the VTA BOARD <br />pursuant to the :PROGRAM. <br />a ds have <br />If RECIPIENTfaills to o the above by the end of the fourth fiscal year and no fu nbeen <br />,spent in the past four consecutive fiscal years, allocatlions will bereturued by VT A to the pool of <br />2016 MEASURE13 funds allocated to the BIKE/PED ESE PROGRAM category for redistribution, in <br />the next allocation cycle pursuant to the formula above. <br />E. All, funds will be available toRECIII ENT on a rel[mbursenlent basis only., <br />6 <br />0 . VTX,s BLI[GAM:0ISS <br />A <br />:. Annually reportto the public the arnount of BJKE/PED & PROGRAM re venues allocated and <br />distributed to RECIPIENT. <br />Bs by . Annually report to the public a summary of E&E PROJECT evaluat"fon metricsubmitted <br />RECIPIENT, as requilredIre Section 4. EV.-ALUATION REQUIREMENTS. <br />W, <br />C. Conduct an assessment regarding the effectiveness of the BIKE/PED E&E PROGRAM using <br />approved metrics and data provided ley 'RECIPIENT (pursuant to Section 4. EVALUATION <br />REQUIREMENTS) related to RECIII ENT's .E&E PROJECT(s). <br />Rev 05.31.24, Page 5 of 18 <br />