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RESOLUTION NO. 43-24 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS REJECTING ALL BIDS RECEIVED FOR THE <br />MATADERO CREEK RESTORATION AND BANK STABILIZATION PROJECT AND <br />APPROVING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE CONSULTANT SERVICES <br />AGREEMENT WITH ENGEO FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES <br />WHEREAS, on May 16, 2024, the City Council approved the Plans and Specifications for both <br />the Matadero Creek Restoration and Bank Stabilization and Offsite Mitigation Planting and <br />Fencing Projects and authorize staff to advertise for formal bids; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town received bids from four contractors on July 2, 2024, ranging from <br />$762,523 and $1,032,640, which the lowest bid is 21% higher than the Engineer's Estimate of <br />$632,180; and <br />WHEREAS, on July 8, the Town received a bid protest from Brannon Corporation, the second <br />lowest bidder, regarding the lowest bid from Michael Glynn Construction Services, Inc.; and <br />WHEREAS, . the City Attorney has reviewed the bid protest and determined that the issues raised <br />are minor irregularities that do not warrant rejection of the apparent lowest bid from Michael Glynn <br />Construction Services, especially because they do not create any unfair competitive advantage to <br />the bidder and does not affect the bid price; and <br />WHEREAS, staff is recommending the City Council to reject all bids for staff to reevaluate and <br />update the Plans and Specifications for rebid by spring 2025; and <br />WHEREAS, ENGEO has incurred $70,700 in additional costs over the original agreement <br />amount of $199,800, related to onsite and offsite mitigation measures and securing approvals from <br />regulatory agencies; and <br />WHEREAS, ENGEO's cost to update the Plans and Specifications for a rebid would be $30,000. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills <br />that; <br />1. All bids received for the Matadero Creek Restoration and Bank Stabilization Project are <br />rejected, and staff is directed to update the Plans and Specifications for rebid in spring <br />2025. <br />2. First Amendment to the consultant services agreement with ENGEO for an amount of <br />$100,700 for additional services is approved, and the City Manager is hereby authorized to <br />execute necessary amendment with ENGEO. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 43-24 <br />