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RESOLUTION PC 06-24 <br />RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS <br />HILLS MAKING A CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION DETERMINATION UNDER CEQA <br />AND APPROVING A SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR A NEW SINGLE-FAMILY <br />RESIDENCE AND ASSOCIATED IMPROVEMENTS AT 12871 ATHERTON COURT <br />AND IMPOSING CERTAIN CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL <br />WHEREAS, on October 19, 2023, -the City Council voted unanimously (5-0-0) to remove the <br />Francis Avidano Home aka 12871 Atherton Court from General Plan Appendix A — Inventory of <br />Historic Sites and Structures; and <br />WHEREAS, 12871 Atherton Court is no longer identified as a historic structure on any local, <br />state, or federal registry; and <br />WHEREAS, on April 22, 2024, The Town of Los Altos Hills received an application for a Site <br />Development Permit (SD24-0013) from the property owner, Henry Hsu, for a new single-family <br />residence and associated improvements at 12871 Atherton Court ("Project"); and <br />WHEREAS, based on the record presented before it, the project is exempt from the provisions of <br />the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301(I)(1) and 15303(a) <br />as the project scope includes demolition of an existing single4amily residence and construction of <br />a new single-family residence; and <br />WHEREAS, the project application was processed in accordance with the applicable provisions <br />of the California Government Code and the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code; and <br />WHEREAS, the Interim Community Development Director ("Hearing Officer") held a duly <br />noticed public hearing on the project on July 30, 2024, and considered all evidence, testimony, <br />written documentation, and public comments and determined that the application be forwarded to <br />the Planning Commission for final approval; and <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on the project on <br />September 5, 2024, and considered all evidence, testimony, written documentation, and public <br />comments; and <br />NOW, THEREFORE, based on the entirety of the record before it, the Planning Commission <br />of the Town of Los Altos Hills hereby finds that the Project is exempt from CEQA pursuant to <br />CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(I)(1) and 15303(a) and approves the Site Development Permit <br />subject to the findings and conditions contained in Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by <br />reference. Additionally, the Commission recommends the property owner (1) provide significant <br />historical elements of the existing residence to the Town's History Committee prior to demolition <br />and (2) provide the collective research of the Francis Avidano Home to the History Committee. <br />Resolution PC 06-24 Page I <br />