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why Councilmember Warshawsky was interested in moving this dialogue forward at this <br /> time. <br /> Councilmember Warshawsky suggested that the impetus for the discussion was the <br /> possibility that term limits would encourage more applicants. He noted that last year <br /> there were few applicants seeking appointment. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND FAILED TO PASS: Moved by Warshawsky, seconded by <br /> Larsen to impose a two four year term limit for Planning Commissioners. The motion <br /> failed to pass by the following roll call vote: <br /> AYES: Councilmember Warshawsky, Mayor Pro Tem Larsen <br /> NOES: Mayor Kerr, Councilmember Mordo and Councilmember Summit <br /> ABSENT: None <br /> ABSTAIN: None <br /> 26. Request for Additional Funding-Los Altos Hills Families (LAHF) <br /> (Mayor Pro Tem Larsen) <br /> By consensus of the City Council, this item was considered out of order of the agenda. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Larsen introduced the item. He spoke to the successes of the Los Altos <br /> Hills Families (LAHF) association during their first year and noted that the group was <br /> • before the City Council for consideration of funding to continue their program. <br /> Former Mayor Craig A. T. Jones thanked Mayor Pro Tem Larsen for sponsoring their <br /> item on the Council agenda and thanked the Council for their support during their initial <br /> year of development. He introduced Jennifer Carlstrom, member of the association. <br /> During their presentation, Carlstrom provided an overview of their events. <br /> Jones proceeded with a PowerPoint presentation that illustrated their efforts, successes <br /> and funding request. LAHF is an association whose membership is open to all LAH <br /> residents with a current membership of 345 residents. Jones noted that the group was <br /> complimentary to the Town's Parks and Recreation Department and they have mutually <br /> co-sponsored events, includin : pumpkin-carving, holiday tree lighting and movie night <br /> at Town Hall, and the LAH 4t of July parade. Jones suggested that the monies provided <br /> to LAHF was "low-spend/high-impact" funding that provided families a means to build <br /> community given the challenges of the Town(large-lot, hilly, multi-school district town). <br /> Jones reviewed the group's request for funding in 2010-2011 of $10,000. The funds <br /> would be used for outreach to increase membership, 8-10 annual events, continuation of <br /> the website forum, and the development of parent and teen events. <br /> Council thanked Jones and Carlstrom for the presentation. <br /> • <br /> 13 Approved City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> October 21,2010 <br />