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City Council Minutes
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10/31/2014 3:10:20 PM
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10/31/2014 3:10:03 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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Council Discussion: <br /> Council discussion ensued. <br /> Councilmember Mordo congratulated the group on their successes but noted his concern <br /> that the Town was providing 100% funding for a "private" group and questioned if the <br /> members who directly benefited should minimally participate in the funding at a minimal <br /> cost($20/30 membership). <br /> Mayor Kerr suggested that the Council consider approving the request for the next nine <br /> months and then revisit the funding allocation during budget discussions. <br /> Councilmember Warshawsky added that he and his son attend the family oriented events <br /> and they were a wonderful resource for meeting neighbors and new families. <br /> Councilmember Summit congratulated Jones and Carlstrom for their efforts and spoke to <br /> her experience as a new resident and how difficult it was to network and meet new <br /> people. However, she concurred with Councilmember Mordo's comments and offered <br /> that she had been under the assumption that the initial funding of$5,000 last year would <br /> help launch the group but that it was a one time funding request. The new proposal <br /> request of $10,000, suggested that it would be an annual request. She expressed her <br /> uncertainty where the funding could be addressed in the annual budget and suggested that <br /> it might be considered as a subset of the Town's Parks and Recreation program. She did <br /> not believe that it would be appropriate to include it with the grants to the non-profit <br /> organizations. <br /> Council discussed the feasibility of integrating the group into the Town and the consensus <br /> was that it was more beneficial for them to remain a separate independent entity. Jones <br /> confirmed that the expectation was to return to the Town annually with a funding request. <br /> MOTION MADE AND CARRIED: Moved by Mordo, seconded by Kerr and passed <br /> unanimously to approve the funding request of$10,000 for 2010-11 and to recommend <br /> that the LAHF investigate ways to self-finance a portion of their expenses. The funding <br /> for LAHF would be reviewed as a line item during the annual budget discussions. <br /> 27. Deer Creek Road Bike Lane Project(Mayor Kerr) <br /> Mayor Kerr reported that Stanford had several proposals under consideration for Deer <br /> Creek Road including reducing the road to two lanes and stripping for bike lanes. He <br /> suggested that before the agreement with Stanford for the C-2 trail was signed, it would <br /> be prudent for the Town to have an understanding of Stanford's proposal for Deer Creek <br /> Road. <br /> City Engineer Chiu acknowledged that staff had made an attempt to have representatives <br /> from Stanford attend the Council meeting but due to the short notice, they were unable to <br /> attend. However, they did indicate that they could attend a future meeting if that was the <br /> desire of the Council. <br /> 14 Approved City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> October 21,2010 <br />
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