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money on these sewer projects. Mr. Olcott concurred with Mr. Askari that all <br /> 48 those who benefitted should pay and that all costs incurred (including interest, <br /> attorney fees, land acquisition, etc.) should be included in the. reimbursement <br /> agreement. <br /> Ramesh Padmanabhan, Los Altos, commented that he owned a lot on Elena and <br /> wondered when the reimbursement agreement became effective. Staff responded <br /> that the situation on Elena was different in that the Town was putting in this <br /> sewer line. <br /> Allan Epstein, 23828 Ravensbury, believed that construction costs should <br /> include all fees and that there should be a clear understanding of the policy <br /> before anyone started on such a sewer project. He also believed there should be <br /> some incentive given to encourage people to hook up to sewer. Mr. Epstein <br /> commented that he hoped the homes in the County on Ravensbury would be able <br /> to hook up to the Town's sewer if they were annexed to the Town. <br /> The City Attorney referred to the section which stated that reimbursement <br /> agreements would be submitted only after the final costs of construction had been <br /> determined. She noted that letters of intent could be filed but they would not be <br /> enforceable as they were unable to. bind a future Council to such a document. <br /> The City Attorney also commented on the 'costs to be included in the <br /> reimbursement agreements. She stated that there was no way for the Town to <br /> control land acquisition and attorney costs involved in such projects and she did <br /> not agree with including them in the agreements. Regarding land acquisitions <br /> she noted that one option would be for the Town to have the appraisals done. <br /> The City Attorney further noted that the cost of construction index could be <br /> included which would be fairer than interest. <br /> Council discussed the draft policy before them and the comments made. Casey, <br /> Cheng and Fenwick agreed with including attorney fees in the reimburseable <br /> costs. O'Malley did not support this. Fenwick and O'Malley did not believe <br /> upstream properties should be included but Cheng did not agree stating that this <br /> did not encourage residents to hook on to sewer. The majority of those present <br /> did agree that the reimburseable costs should include appraisal costs (as done by <br /> the Town), cost of construction index and attorney costs not to exceed 5% of the <br /> proj ect. <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To direct staff to bring back a revised policy <br /> statement including the comments made at this meeting to a future Council <br /> meeting for final approval. <br /> 6. NEW BUSINESS <br /> 7. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, SUB-COMMITTEES, AND <br /> COUNCILMEMBERS ON OUTSIDE AGENCIES <br /> April 19, 2001 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 6 <br />