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the Town's Pilot Undergrounding Project and the return of a neighborhood public school <br /> accessible to all Town residents were cited. It was acknowledged that their successes <br /> • would be enjoyed by many future generations of Town residents. <br /> Each of the retiring Councilmembers was presented with a jacket and crystal award. <br /> Mayor Kerr received a desk clock in recognition of his service as Mayor during the past <br /> year. <br /> Mayor Kerr thanked the Council. He presented the Town with an original drawing of <br /> race horse Rachael Alexandra by artist Sydney Manning to be displayed at Westwind <br /> Community Barn. He thanked the residents and staff for their support during his eight <br /> years on the Council. <br /> Councilmember Warshawsky thanked his wife LeeAnn and son Jake for their patience <br /> and support during his two terms. He spoke to the many successes that had been realized <br /> by the current Council and the prior Councils he had served alongside. Councilmember <br /> Warshawsky thanked the residents for the opportunity to serve the community, the staff <br /> for their support and noted that it had been an honor to be a Councilmember. <br /> 12. Administration of Oath of Office and Seating of Councilmembers-Elect <br /> City Clerk Karen Jost administered the Oath of Office to Councilmembers-elect Gary <br /> Waldeck and John Radford. The new Councilmembers took their seats on the dais. <br /> • Councilmember Waldeck and Radford thanked their families and constituents for their <br /> support during the election and acknowledged that they were looking forward to serving <br /> on the City Council. <br /> 13. City Council Reorganization <br /> Election of New Mayor <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Larsen, seconded by Mordo and <br /> passed unanimously to elect Councilmember Ginger Summit to serve as the Mayor. <br /> Mayor Summit thanked the Council. Discussion of Town goals for her term (2011) <br /> would be agendized for the January meeting. <br /> Election of New Mayor Pro Tem <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Mordo, seconded by Waldeck and passed <br /> unanimously to elect Rich Larsen to serve as the Mayor Pro Tem for 2011. <br /> PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> There were no comments from the public. <br /> 3 Approved City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> December 16,2010 <br />