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2/25/2015 4:34:56 PM
Creation date
2/25/2015 4:26:24 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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Mr. Vasudevan, applicant, noted that they had moved into their home in 1994 <br /> and planned on living in their new home on the property for a long time. They <br /> wanted their application to be an example of an efficient planning process. <br /> Although they had a constrained lot they were not asking for any variances. They <br /> had worked with the Planning Department and the neighbors. Although they <br /> could have built a two story house they were planning on a 16 foot high house <br /> with a flat roof. They had had the heights surveyed to confirm the height <br /> numbers and they also had had the story poles surveyed. <br /> Mr. Cuff, 13418 Carillo Lane, expressed their concerns about the impact this <br /> proposed house would have on their property. He stated that it would completely <br /> ruin their view and the lighting of the new home would also negatively impact <br /> their property. He would agree to the Vasudevans lowering their house by two <br /> feet. <br /> Robin Kennedy, Mr. Cuff's attorney, stated that her clients were not in <br /> disagreement with the Vasudevans building a home within the Town's code. <br /> However, the current project would totally eclipse the Cuffs view which they <br /> have had for over thirty years. She believed the Vasudevans could lower the <br /> house or lower the high basement ceilings. Ms. Kennedy stated that her clients <br /> had no options. They supported the Planning Commission's continuance and <br /> recommended lowering the house by two feet. <br /> Tony Carrasco, applicant's architect, addressed the lighting issue and noted that <br /> photo sensitive screening would be used. He also further clarified the grading <br /> and height issues. <br /> Cindy Cuff, 13418 Carillo Lane, reiterated her father's concerns. She believed <br /> this project invaded her parents' privacy and ruined their view. She thought the <br /> Town should protect the interests of long term residents and minimize the effects <br /> of this project on the current neighbors. <br /> Jean McCown, applicant's attorney, clarified the grading and height issues. <br /> Jim Abraham, 12831 Viscaino Road, commented that his neighbors had planted <br /> pine trees which eventually grew and blocked his view. People had a right to <br /> develop on their land even if the neighbors did not like it. The Vasudevans were <br /> very much under the allowed development limits and they should be allowed to <br /> proceed. <br /> DuBose Montgomery, 27464 Altamont, supported the Vasudevan's project. He <br /> believed the project met the Town ordinances and they should be allowed to <br /> build. <br /> O'Malley questioned whether the view corridor should be considered. Casey <br /> noted that the Town did not have a view ordinance. She further commented that <br /> February 15, 2001 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 10 <br />
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