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The following addressed the Council in support of not making these proposed <br /> changes to the constrained lot ordinance: Dot Schreiner, 14301 Saddle <br /> Mountain; Art Lachenbruch, 11820 Buena Vista; Jim Steiner, 14195 Wild Plum, <br /> Joan Schlenz, 13551 Paseo del Roble and Nicholas Dunckel, 12971 Cortez Lane. <br /> They urged Council not to approve these changes but to stay with the earlier <br /> recommendations from the Planning Commission. It was noted that once such <br /> changes were made it would be very difficult to go back and change them again. <br /> The suggestion was also made to wait until the LUF (slope density formula) <br /> committee had completed their charge to review this issue by mid-April before <br /> making any changes. In addition the comment was made to obtain expert advice <br /> from such consultants as soils engineers, etc. before making any decisions. <br /> The following addressed the Council in support of the proposed changes: Jim <br /> Abraham, 12831 Viscaino Road; Luis Yanez, 26879 Moody Road; Mrs. Nina <br /> Logan, 14250 Berry Hill; Scott Macomber, 25980 Vinedo Lane; and John Hall, <br /> 25850 Westwind Way. They believed the current ordinance was out of date, <br /> unreasonable and the Town should move forward by approving the proposed <br /> changes before Council at this time. <br /> Casey noted that this issue had been studied for over a year and Town-wide <br /> mailings had been distributed concerning the public hearings. She believed this <br /> was a step in the right direction. Fenwick concurred. Cheng believed that this <br /> wording before them tonight was not a clarification but different than what had <br /> • been discussed at the last meeting. She believed the ordinance was not logical <br /> and more study was needed. O'Malley concurred with the Planning <br /> Commission's recommendations on this issue and not with the increases <br /> proposed by Councilmembers. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by <br /> Fenwick and passed by the following roll call vote to waive further reading of the <br /> ordinance and to introduce an ordinance amending Sections 10-1.5020 and 10- <br /> 1.5030 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code regarding allowable development <br /> area and floor area on constrained lots and adoption of a negative declaration. <br /> AYES: Mayor Finn and Councilmembers Casey and Fenwick <br /> NOES: Councilmembers Cheng and O'Malley <br /> 11.2 Request for a site development permit for a new residence, Lands of <br /> Vasudevan, 13428 Carillo Lane <br /> The Planning Director reported that this project had been approved at a fast track <br /> hearing on 11/28/01 and appealed by the neighbors who cited that this project <br /> negatively impacted their view. The Planning Commission heard this appeal on <br /> 1/24/01 and continued the application to allow the applicant to work with the <br /> neighbor and to reduce the 16 foot height of the proposed house. Mayor Pro Tem <br /> Casey appealed this continuance. <br /> February 15, 2001 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 9 <br />