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• PASSED BY CONSENSUS: Council appointed the following to a Council Committee <br /> to study and review the slope density formula: Jim Abraham (Chairman), John Chu, Carl <br /> Clement, Charlene Geers, Ron Haley, John Harpootlian and Dot Schreiner. This <br /> committee will make a recommendation on the slope density formula to a Joint Meeting <br /> of the City Council and Planning Commission in April. Council will then hold one or <br /> two public hearings on the slope density formula issue possibly at Bullis School. Council <br /> also authorized coverage of appropriate expenditures as needed by this committee. <br /> 10. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> 11. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> 11.1 Request for a Site Development Permit for a 1,528 square foot bunker/wine <br /> cellar, Lands of Campi, 14190 Baleri Ranch Road <br /> William Maston, project architect, noted that the Planning Commission had denied their <br /> project because they did not believed they had adequate direction from Council on the <br /> issue of basements that are not directly underneath an existing structure. While he <br /> understood their concerns he believed their project met current ordinances and deserved <br /> approval by the Council. Mr. Maston also referred to a recommended set of guidelines <br /> he had prepared on the issue of basements and he urged Council to consider them when <br /> reviewing the basement ordinance. He believed basements should be encouraged in <br /> • Town with more defined guidelines to lead to more creative solutions in meeting <br /> residents' space needs while reducing massing and impacts of visible structures. <br /> Casey stated that she saw no reason to deny this application which met all the current <br /> ordinances. She also appreciated Mr. Maston's recommended guidelines on this issue. <br /> Cheng concurred with Casey noting that this basement was not visible from off site. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Cheng and <br /> passed by the following roll call vote to approve a site development permit for a 1,528 <br /> square foot bunker/wine celler, Lands of Campi, 14190 Baleri Ranch Road <br /> AYES: Mayor Finn and Councilmembers Casey and Cheng <br /> NOES: Councilmembers Fenwick and O'Malley <br /> 11.2 Request for a two-lot subdivision and proposed negative declaration, Lands <br /> of Micheletti, 26271 Moody Road <br /> Mark Micheletti, applicant, stated that he agreed with the proposed conditions of <br /> approval. <br /> Casey referred to condition #5 and recommended that `open fencing' include chain link <br /> fencing so that the applicant could protect his property. Casey asked the applicant if he <br /> • agreed with this recommendation. <br /> February 1, 2001 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 6 <br />