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• Mr. Micheletti, applicant, agreed with the proposed change to the conditions. <br /> pp p <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Fenwick and <br /> passed by the following roll call vote to approve the request for a two-lot subdivison and <br /> proposed negative declaration, Lands of Micheletti, 26271 Moody Road, based on the <br /> conditions of approval as recommended by the Planning Commission with the <br /> amendment to condition#5 stating that open fencing included chain link fencing. <br /> AYES: Mayor Finn and Councilmembers Casey, Cheng and Fenwick <br /> NOES: Councilmember O'Malley <br /> 11.3 Request for a conditional use permit renewal allowing the use of the subject <br /> property as a religious institution and for related religious educational <br /> activities and social functions, Lands of Congregation Beth Am, 26790 <br /> Arastradero Road <br /> Mr. Ric Rudman, representing Congregation Beth Am, noted that they concurred with <br /> the conditions of approval for extension of their conditional use permit. He noted that <br /> they had bene working with the Los Altos Garbage Company on getting their pickups <br /> before 8:00 a.m. and he had also ordered the trees for landscape screening and they <br /> should be planted by the end of February. <br /> • MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Cheng and <br /> passed unanimously to approve the request for a conditional use permit renewal allowing <br /> the use of the subject property as a religious institution and for related religious <br /> educational activities and social functions, Lands of Congregation Beth Am, 26790 <br /> Arastradero Road. <br /> 11.4 Introduction of ordinance amending Sections 10-1.5020 and 10-1.5030 of <br /> the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code regarding allowable development area <br /> and floor area on constrained lots and adoption of a negative declaration <br /> (FIRST READING) <br /> The Planning Director reviewed the changes to the ordinance as proposed by Council at <br /> their 1/4/01 Meeting. These changes included amending the zoning ordinance to <br /> increase the proposed minimum maximum floor area (for lots with a lot unit factor <br /> greater than .50) from 4,000 square feet to 5,000 square feet and to increase the proposed <br /> minimum maximum development area (for lots with a lot unit factor greater than .50) <br /> from 5,000 square feet to 7,500 square feet. Council further agreed to determine the <br /> allowable floor area on conditional development permit lots based on a formula which <br /> relates the lot unit factor to the 5,000 square foot limit, without requiring a variance; to <br /> determine the allowable development area on conditional development permit lots based <br /> on the allowable floor area plus 2,100 square feet; and to allow the Planning <br /> Commission to grant up to 2,500 square feet of maximum floor area for any conditional <br /> • development permit lot without requiring a variance. <br /> February 1, 2001 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 7 <br />