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02/01/2001 (2)
City Clerk
City Council Minutes
02/01/2001 (2)
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2/25/2015 4:28:14 PM
Special Meeting Minutes
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the committee already had a full list of charges and congratulated the members for their <br /> successful completion of these tasks. <br /> 2. Discussion of plans for Spring Picnic; approval of Picnic Budget <br /> Council discussed the budget proposal from the committee for the Town Picnic. They <br /> agreed that the entertainment of the children was very important and there should be more <br /> ice cream, more people to make balloons and more clowns. They also concurred with the <br /> committee's recommendation for a show rather than a band. Mayor Finn also agreed to a <br /> Mayor's Dunking Booth. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Finn and passed <br /> unanimously to approve a budget of $9,550 for the annual Town Picnic scheduled for <br /> June 3`d <br /> 3. Proposal for September newcomer welcoming event <br /> Roger Burnell noted that in the past such newcomer events had been held at the Heritage <br /> House and at Town Hall. Although the newcomers received a separate invitation to the <br /> Town Picnic this event was specifically for newcomers and because it was smaller it was <br /> easier for them to get to know each other. The proposal was that the newcomers to Town <br /> during the past twelve months would be sent invitations and a general invitation to all <br /> residents would be included in the Town newsletter. The proposed date was sometime in <br /> September. Casey believed the invitation list should include new residents of more than <br /> one year but not include all residents. She further recommended May rather than <br /> September so that the newcomers could get to know each other before the Town picnic <br /> in June. Fenwick offered his home as a location for the party if its size was limited to <br /> newcomers from the past two years, Councilmembers, Planning Commissioners, <br /> volunteers and staff. O'Malley suggested following up the invitation with a phone call <br /> from a Councilmember to encourage attendance. <br /> Dan Alexander, 27200 Elena, believed that the event would not be as meaningful if it was <br /> held somewhere other than Town Hall. He believed residents would be interested in <br /> seeing where their Town Hall was located. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Fenwick, seconded by Cheng and <br /> passed unanimously to schedule a newcomers event ( including newcomers from the past <br /> two years, Councilmembers, Planning Commissioners, volunteers and staff) for Sunday, <br /> May 6th from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Councilmember Fenwick's home. Council also <br /> approved the proposed budget for this event which was approximately$535.00. <br /> 4. Proposal for neighborhood parties <br /> Duffy Price explained the committee's proposal for the promotion of block parties in <br /> Town as part of`The Friendly Neighbor Year'. She referred Council to the guide <br /> February 1, 2001 <br /> Special City Council Meeting <br /> 2 <br />
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