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• The City Attorney referred to a letter received from the law firm of Shute, Mihaly and <br /> Weinberger which included the statement that "the Carse project, as proposed, not <br /> only contravenes key policies in the General Plan but also violates the State Streets and <br /> Highways Coded and CEQA, thus rendering the town vulnerable to legal challenge". <br /> In view of this correspondence which had been received just prior to this Council <br /> Meeting, the City Attorney recommended that a negative declaration be prepared for <br /> this project and additional public hearings be scheduled. Council concurred with legal <br /> counsel but agreed to take public input at this meeting. <br /> Sandy Carse, applicant, stated that they had submitted a petition from many neighbors <br /> concurring with the request to vacate the pathway. Mrs. Carse expressed her concerns <br /> about safety, liability issues, maintenance of wildlife corridor and privacy. She <br /> believed this path was redundant and this area was in a conservation easement. <br /> The following addressed the Council in support of vacating the path on Lands of <br /> Carse: Sheri Najafy, 26645 Altamont Road; Carol Petty, Almaden Court; Al Whaley, <br /> 26925 Taaffe; DuBose Montgomery, 27464 Altamont; and Charlene Geers, 12742 <br /> Leander. They cited privacy and safety concerns and noted that this path was <br /> redundant and other access options were available. Mr. Montgomery, a member of the <br /> Pathways Committee, commented that there was division on the committee regarding <br /> what should be done with this path. Charlene Geers also commented that there was no <br /> path on this property when the Carses bought but it was required when they built. <br /> • The following addressed the Council stating their opposition to vacating the path on <br /> Lands of Carse: Nancy Ewald, Co-Chairman of the Pathways Committee; Dot <br /> Schreiner, 14301 Saddle Mountain; Les Earnest, 12769 Dianne Drive; Scott <br /> Overstreet, 13851 Fremont Pines; Ginger Summit, 13390 Lenox Way; Jolon Wagner, <br /> 26786 Robleda; Sid Hubbard, 25528 La Loma Drive; Bob Stutz, 25210 Elena; Dan <br /> Alexander, 27200 Elena; and John Dukes, Lupine Road. Ms. Ewald commented that <br /> this path connected two recreation area in Town and the Town had all but one of the <br /> easements to complete the route. Dot Schreiner referred to the letter from Rachel <br /> Hooper of Shute, Mihaly and Weinberger. This firm had been retained to represent <br /> the Committee for the Preservation of Los Altos Hills on matters relating to the <br /> Town's land use planning, and particularly its trail and pathway system. Mrs. <br /> Schreiner as a member of this committee, expressed their concerns about the Town's <br /> failure to follow the law and due process. Sid Hubbard concurred with Mrs. <br /> Schreiner's comments. Les Earnest concurred with the statement that this path was a <br /> connector to recreation areas in Town and stated that paths were located in many <br /> conservation easements in Town. Ginger Summit believed this was a piecemeal <br /> approach and this issue of vacation of a path should be deferred until the entire path <br /> issue and path map was reviewed. Bob Stutz raised the issue of safety especially fire <br /> that these paths were often used as emergency access roads. <br /> Council thanked everyone for their input and stated that they would be following the <br /> City Attorney's recommendation for further review and public hearings on this issue. <br /> March 21, 2002 <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> 9 <br />