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10/31/2014 3:25:09 PM
Creation date
10/31/2014 3:24:49 PM
Regualr Meeting Minutes
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OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Patty Trayer, Vinedo Lane, opposed the project. She voiced her concerns regarding the <br /> aesthetics of the subdivision's proposed homes and multiple driveways. Trayer suggested <br /> that the proposed homes were not appropriate for the Town's rural nature and would <br /> dramatically change the neighborhood. <br /> Steven Wang, Vinedo Lane, opposed the project. His main concerns included: the close <br /> proximity of the home to the road; the multiple driveways and their effect on traffic <br /> congestion on Vinedo Lane; the applicant's removal of cypress trees that had screened the <br /> project; and, the installation of a purple pipe adjacent to his property. Wang questioned if <br /> the Town would be assuming the liability for the private road. <br /> Eugene Mandel, Vinedo Lane, read into the record a letter signed by eighteen neighbors <br /> that opposed the project and <br /> supported the alternative recommendations that had been <br /> proposed by staff at the Planning Commission's hearing. He did not believe the home's <br /> design was compatible with the neighborhood and urged the City Council to mitigate the <br /> obtrusiveness of the proposed structure by increasing the setback and eliminating one of <br /> the driveways to permit additional landscape screening. <br /> John Trayer, Vinedo Lane, offered that the road was in the wrong location and this was <br /> the main factor that the home was sited so close to the road. <br /> Councilmember Kerr, in summarizing his appeal, offered that he understood that the <br /> proposed home was within the Town's guidelines for a flat lot but he believed it was <br /> iappropriate for the Council to use their discretion in siting the home on the lot and <br /> requiring an additional setback, at a minimum, 10 feet. He did not have a <br /> recommendation regarding the driveways. <br /> Applicant Comments: <br /> Desmond Tuck, attorney representing the applicant, addressed Council. Tuck noted that <br /> the project had been in progress since 2007 and was compliant with the Town's rules and <br /> regulations. The application did not include any requests for exceptions and had been <br /> approved unanimously by the Planning Commission. He shared several photos of <br /> neighboring properties to illustrate their close proximity to the road and photos of the <br /> road before it had been improved by the applicant. Tuck suggested that once the <br /> landscaping plan was implemented, the new home would be more in character with the <br /> neighborhood. <br /> Scott Stotler, project designer, commented that he had never had a project appealed that <br /> had been in compliance with all of the rules and guidelines and received a unanimous <br /> approval by the Planning Commission. Stotler reviewed the limitations placed on the <br /> project by the constraints of the lot and the required easement dedications. Stotler felt <br /> that the curved design of the driveways provided more planting opportunities for <br /> screening the house, garage doors, and parked cars from the street. <br /> Issac Agam, owner, addressed the Council. Again explained that it had not been their <br /> (developers) choice to widen the road in the current configuration; it had been a <br /> 12 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> April 23,2009 <br />
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