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requirement of the subdivision. Again believed that the backyard was an important <br /> element for Los Altos Hills homes. This particular property had a small backyard due to <br /> its terrain and the constraints of the lot and suggested that moving the home back an <br /> additional 10 feet would present a hardship and major issue. Again spoke to all of the <br /> time and efforts that had been expended to design a home with a low profile. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Council Discussion: <br /> Planning Director Pedro reviewed the lot's constraints with Council and the limited <br /> building footprint. <br /> Councilmember Larsen requested clarification on the feasibility of accessing the property <br /> from the Ingress/Egress. Planning Director Pedro explained that per the Town's codes, <br /> and Ingress/Egress easement can only serve two properties. If it served as an additional <br /> access for an additional home, it would have to be a road with a widened right-of-way. <br /> City Manager Cahill explained that at a minimum it would have to be widened to 40 feet. <br /> Councilmember Summit voiced her concerns on the traffic impact on Vinedo Lane from <br /> the two driveways coupled with the Ingress/Egress. She understood that changing the <br /> driveway configuration would require a redesign. Summit supported the home being <br /> moved an additional 10 feet back on the property. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Warshawsky commented that he had visited the site multiple times. He <br /> • supported the staff recommendation to uphold the Planning Commission's approval of <br /> the project subject to the Conditions of Approval. Warshawsky noted that the project was <br /> compliant with the Town's guidelines. <br /> Councilmember Larsen supported the request for an increase in the frontage setback with <br /> the home moved back on the lot and further exploration of an alternative to the two <br /> driveways. <br /> Councilmember Kerr spoke to the problems associated with a redesign of the driveways. <br /> He suggested that if the cabana were to be relocated to accommodate the home being <br /> sited further back on the lot, additional screening should be required to mitigate the <br /> garage. He recommended that the application be returned to the Planning Commission to <br /> review the project with the additional 10 foot setback requirement. <br /> Mayor Mordo commented that he supported the decision of the Planning Commission <br /> and would vote to uphold their approval. He understood the neighbors' concerns but the <br /> home was compliant with the Town's requirements. Mordo noted that if the cabana were <br /> to be moved, it would most likely result in additional hardscape on the property and the <br /> applicant would lose useable space on their backyard. <br /> MOTION MADE AND WITHDRAWN: Moved by Larsen that the setback be increased <br /> 10 feet on the frontage of the home and the right driveway be relocated off the <br /> Ingress/Egress. Motion withdrawn by Councilmember Larsen. <br /> • <br /> 13 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> April 23,2009 <br />