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The arborist reports that included additional recommendation for the preservation of the <br /> identified trees were included in the Council packet. For the record, Pedro noted that <br /> there were several inaccuracies in the Newcomb Tree Company report submitted by the <br /> appellant. Specifically, Tree #35 had been misidentified as a white oak and 30"; it is a <br /> blue oak and 35". <br /> Council Discussion: <br /> Councilmember Kerr inquired if the alternate proposal for the turnaround would provide <br /> more mitigation of the residence from Ursula Lane and if the applicant was amenable to <br /> the appellants' proposal. Pedro offered that the alternate plan would shield the home <br /> more from views off of Ursula and noted that the applicant was in attendance and <br /> available to answer Council's questions. <br /> Councilmember Summit noted that after visiting the site and walking the property, she <br /> had discovered a potential pathway within the open space easement that was a more <br /> preferable route than the proposed pathway. She questioned if there was any flexibility in <br /> locating the required pathway. Kerr concurred with Summit's appraisal of the alternate <br /> path. He noted that it would not disturb the privacy of the property owners. City Attorney <br /> Steve Mattas explained that if the applicant expressed his willingness to allow a <br /> modification to the pathway Condition of Approval, the Council could amend the <br /> condition to permit the applicant to work with staff to determine the final alignment of <br /> the path as described by Councilmember Summit. <br /> OPENDED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> • Appellant Comments: <br /> Lennart Olson, Ursula Lane, voiced his concerns regarding the project. He had hired two <br /> independent arborists to inspect the trees on the site, particularly Trees #35/#36. The <br /> arborists' reports had noted the critical importance of protecting tree roots during <br /> construction. Olson suggested that the applicants' arborist report had been incomplete <br /> and insufficient. He believed that the house was too close to the trees. One of the trees in <br /> question was a rare specimen of a blue oak. Additionally, he did not believe the home's <br /> design was in character with Los Altos Hills. He requested Council consideration of <br /> requiring a maximum effort to save the trees and require that the plans be revised for the <br /> difficult building site. <br /> Kimberly Lee, Ursula Lane, offered that she had four issues pertaining to the project she <br /> wished to identify for Council. First, she wanted Tree #4 that was being removed to <br /> accommodate the driveway to be preserved. The appellants' arborist Barry Coates had <br /> proposed that this tree could be saved if the roadway was realigned and a bridge was <br /> constructed over the roots as an alternative entrance. Lee noted that this alternative <br /> proposal had not been addressed. Second, she questioned if there had been any <br /> consideration given to shifting or shortening the size of the house to further rotate the <br /> turnaround pad or if a lower level garage had been considered. She believed the <br /> alternatives would reduce the height of the retaining wall and could potentially save the <br /> tree. In discussions with the Fire Marshall, Lee had found that only one driveway <br /> configuration had been submitted by the applicant and she wondered if it was feasible for <br /> the driveway (turnaround) plan to be designed in collaboration with the Fire Department <br /> 7 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> April 23,2009 <br />