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10/31/2014 3:25:09 PM
Creation date
10/31/2014 3:24:49 PM
Regualr Meeting Minutes
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with a goal of reducing the height of the walla and protecting Tree #4. Lee sited the fact <br /> that the applicant had not solicited neighbors' input prior to their submittal of the plans as <br /> the primary reason so many issues had not come forward earlier. Third, she expressed her <br /> concerns regarding the proposed foundation design for the home. She offered that their <br /> arborist had deemed a peer and beam foundation for the residence as a necessary <br /> component to preserving the trees and avoiding the severing of critical tree roots (Tree <br /> #30/#35). Fourth, Lee requested that the City hire an independent arborist to monitor the <br /> construction of the project. <br /> Felix Lee, Ursula Lane, noted that his comments would focus on the massive scope of the <br /> project that had been proposed for the site. He provided an overview of the lots natural <br /> physical constraints. Lee offered that the project would require five variances. Lee <br /> supported a smaller home with a smaller footprint for the site and believed this would <br /> eliminate a majority of the project's problems. He suggested that the lot did not warrant <br /> an approval of the "allowable" 5,000 square foot residence. Lee noted that the adjacent <br /> properties (8 homes) had average lot sizes of 1.8 acres and the average home size was <br /> 3,440 square feet. <br /> Applicant Comments: <br /> Tim McKeegan, applicant, addressed Council. Council had in their packet a letter from <br /> McKeegan that was responsive to the concerns the appellants had outlined in their letter. <br /> He identified the numerous changes the project had undergone to accommodate the <br /> requirements and the efforts that had been taken to preserve his trees. McKeegan had <br /> worked with three different Town Planners do to staff changes and had been required to <br /> revise his plans three times in less than 90 days. Each change had required revisions by <br /> • his architect and engineer. After receiving staff approval, his project was continued by <br /> the Planning Commission with direction to make additional modifications. McKeegan <br /> noted that the redesigned home that had been approved by the Planning Commission had <br /> been relocated an additional 14 feet from the road, lowered in height, the footprint <br /> reduced by 20% and the need for a grading exception eliminated. The approved project <br /> met all of the required setbacks by an additional 20% more than the Town standard. He <br /> noted that his new design had cost him the view from his master bedroom as originally <br /> designed. <br /> McKeegan noted that his property was heavily forested especially in comparison to his <br /> neighbors' properties where trees had been removed for construction. He had hired an <br /> arborist to review/survey the trees on his site and the arborist had trenched to review the <br /> root system of the trees that had been identified for preservation. The arborist had <br /> determined that the root systems would be minimally affected by construction. <br /> McKeegan spoke to the required hammerhead turnaround for the fire engine. He offered <br /> that he was willing to work with the Fire Department to design the turnaround to save <br /> Tree 44. His engineer and arborist were in attendance and available to answer Council <br /> questions. <br /> Councilmember Kerr questioned if the applicant was amenable to being flexible on the <br /> location of the pathway. Kerr suggested that the deer path near Edgerton Road located in <br /> • the Open Space Easement might be a better route than the one sited on the plans. <br /> 8 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> April 23,2009 <br />
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