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fees. Ultimately, general fund monies might be needed to make up the difference and <br /> over a period of time the road maintenance funds could be reduced and not recaptured. <br /> • <br /> Additional incentives that had been studied included a waiver of the Towns $7,950 <br /> 0 <br /> connection fee for developers and partners and/or an offer of a 50% discount for residents <br /> that connect within a one year period. Chiu explained that this would result in a <br /> reduction of new funds for the sewer fund and could necessitate an increase in sewer <br /> usage charges. <br /> Staff had reviewed other possible incentives to encourage early participation for sewer <br /> connections and was recommending the following: 1) a discount or waiver of some <br /> encroachment permit fees for property owners that connect at the time of main <br /> installation if work was to be done by the same contractor responsible for the installation <br /> of the main; 2) reduce the design submittal requirements which would reduce the owners' <br /> design fee if they used the same engineer- the design could be addressed by "as built <br /> drawings"; and, 3) staff could assist with public outreach notifying property owners that a <br /> connection at the time of the main installation could minimize construction costs for their <br /> lateral installation if the work was done by the contractor installing the main. The <br /> recommendations would provide a cost savings to residents by taking advantage of <br /> construction efficiencies. <br /> Staff had also investigated potential financing options for sewer installations. Chiu <br /> proceeded with a PowerPoint presentation on the formation of Mello-Roos Community <br /> Facilities Districts. Pursuant to the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982, local <br /> • governments, special districts, and developers are authorized to create Community <br /> Facilities Districts to fund public improvements. Chiu reviewed the formation process <br /> and advantages of using a Community Facilities District for sewer expansion projects that <br /> would allow expansion through future annexations to the CF District on an as needed <br /> basis. Boundaries for an Assessment District are generally fixed once assessments are <br /> confirmed. <br /> Chiu reviewed a sewer map of the Town with Council and noted that only slightly more <br /> than 50% of town properties were connected to sewer. In response to Council inquires, <br /> he explained that the costs to extend the sewer infrastructure throughout Town was an <br /> unknown. The purpose of the discussion was to assess the Council's interest in forming a <br /> CFD. <br /> Council discussion ensued. There was a consensus that Council would like to continue <br /> the exploration of all incentives and financing options for sewers. It was noted that the <br /> goal of the current Ad Hoc Committee on Sewers of which Councilmember Larsen was <br /> the council liaison was to maximize sewer access in Town. Mayor Pro Tem Warshawsky <br /> commented that he believed it was critical to have a complete understanding of specific <br /> costs before the formation of any district that would levy assessments on residents. <br /> 1 Council provided direction to staff to continue the investigation process and return with <br /> recommendations. <br /> 5 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> May 14,2009 <br />