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City Council at their next meeting. The Commission also heard a request for a <br /> Conditional Use Permit renewal for a wireless communication facility. They had <br /> unanimously recommended approval. The CUP would be scheduled for a public hearing <br /> at the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting. <br /> REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, SUB-COMMITTEES, AND <br /> COUNCILMEMBERS ON OUTSIDE AGENCIES <br /> Councilmember Summit reported that the Sudden Oak Death (SOD) Blitz hosted by the <br /> Open Space Committee at Town Hall had been well attended with other 100 participants. <br /> Councilmember Summit added that she had attended a luncheon at Microsoft for <br /> Congressman George Miller. The topic of the forum was education and health care <br /> reform. <br /> Councilmember Kerr reported that he had met with Congresswoman Anna Eshoo and had <br /> broached several important issues regarding the Town with her. Topics discussed <br /> included: the Department of Energy's unfair process for small cities to participate in grant <br /> funding; and the potential federal funding of the Wetswind Community Barn safety <br /> project. Kerr added that he had attended a news conference given by the Governor. He <br /> noted that the update on the state's budget had been sobering and he believed that there <br /> would definitely be a grab from the state for local government funds. <br /> Councilmember Larsen reported that he had visited the Santa Clara Valley Water District. <br /> • Mayor Mordo reported that he had participated in the Pathway Fun Run and was <br /> concerned with all of the dead wood and the potential fire danger. City Manager Cahill <br /> offered to discuss the issue with the Fire District. He noted that they had a Fuel <br /> Management Plan in place for Byrne Preserve. Cahill explained that some of the downed <br /> wood was a result of Sudden Oak Death and should not be taken off site. <br /> STAFF REPORTS <br /> • Finance Director—Verbal Update on Budget Preparation Process <br /> Finance Director Nick Pegueros provided a brief overview on the budget preparation <br /> process. He noted that the State budget scenario was not good and he did concur with <br /> Councilmember Kerr's comments that they would most likely be taking monies away <br /> from the Town and other local agencies. Pegueros offered that the draft budget had been <br /> prepared and reviewed with the FIC with the assumption that the State would take away <br /> $100,000 but the Town would still have a surplus available at this level. However, at this <br /> time, the expectation was that the Town would be impacted by approximately a $250,000 <br /> take away. This could potentially have a slight impact on the surplus. The City Manager <br /> and Finance Director were working closely on the proposal to keep the budget balanced <br /> and not dip into reserves. The Council will have an opportunity to review the FY 09-10 <br /> budget at the May 28th FIC and City Council study session. The premise for the draft <br /> budget was a $350,000 loss ($250,000 plus $100,000 COPS) to the Town as a result of <br /> • State actions. <br /> 9 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> May 14,2009 <br />