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She shared photo montage that she and ECC member Miles Aaron Seiver had made of <br /> the most recent emergency drill that had been conducted at Town Hall. <br /> g Y <br /> 1 <br /> • <br /> UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> 15. Consideration of Request for Waiver of Appeal Fee- Waidy Lee and Earl Killian <br /> Item continued to the July 23, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> 16. Discussion of New Town Goals <br /> Mayor Warshawsky proposed that his primary goal for his term as Mayor would be the <br /> annexation of Hidden Villa. Warshawsky acknowledged that given the current economic <br /> climate and tight budgetary constraints, it would be beneficial to focus on a single goal. <br /> He had discussed the proposal with Mayor Pro Tem Kerr and they had concurred that the <br /> potential annexation of Hidden Villa would be an asset for the residents and something <br /> they could both support during the next eighteen (18) months. Warshawsky spoke to the <br /> Town's obligation to absorb unincorporated areas within the Town's sphere of influence <br /> and the benefit that would be afforded Hidden Villa to be annexed to the Town. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Kerr offered that Hidden Villa's mission was complementary to the <br /> vision of Los Altos Hills. He offered that the non profit Hidden Villa would be better <br /> served under the auspices of a local government. <br /> Mayor Warshawsky advised Council that the exploration of the annexation would be <br /> agendized for further Council discussion at their next Council meeting. <br /> REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, SUB-COMMITTEES, AND COUNCILMEMBERS <br /> ON OUTSIDE AGENCIES <br /> Councilmember Summit reported on the first Annual Los Altos Hills Fourth of July <br /> parade. The parade had been initiated by resident Courtenay Corrigan and supported by <br /> the Parks and Recreation Committee, numerous Town volunteers and staff. The event <br /> had been well attended and a great success. <br /> Councilmember Mordo recognized former Community Relations Chairmen Roy <br /> Woolsey. Woolsey has served as the Committee Chair and Chair of the Town Picnic for <br /> the past twelve years. Mordo noted that Woolsey has performed in the position in such <br /> an exemplary manner; the Committee had appointed three Co-Chairs to serve as his <br /> replacement next year. <br /> Councilmember Mordo reported that the NCLA was finalizing their review of renewing <br /> the parcel tax for the library. Their current proposal was for a $67 per parcel tax for <br /> • twenty years. A mail ballot was being considered for the measure. <br /> 4 Approved City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> July 9,2009 <br />