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by special assessment. The ordinance before Council incorporated this authority and <br /> would permit the Town to choose whether to recover nuisance abatement costs by <br /> • nuisance abatement lien or by special assessment. Mattas noted that the ordinance did <br /> provide protection for the recovery of attorney costs to the "prevailing party." <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Jones, seconded by O'Malley and <br /> passed unanimously to waive reading and introduce Ordinance# 513 <br /> PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT <br /> City Manager Carl Cahill reported that the Planning Commission at their November 6, <br /> 2008 meeting had voted to recommend denial of AT&T's application for a wireless <br /> facility on DuVall Way. The request would be forwarded to Council at their January <br /> meeting. The Commission had unanimously approved an addition-remodel for the <br /> former Crozier-Hogle property. <br /> REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, SUB-COMMITTEES, AND <br /> COUNCILMEMBERS ON OUTSIDE AGENCIES <br /> 13. Presentation by the Environmental Initiatives Committee "Los Altos Hills Green <br /> House Gas Emissions Inventory" <br /> Steve Schmidt, Standing Environmental Initiatives Committee member, introduced the <br /> item to Council. Schmidt had prepared a PowerPoint Presentation Los Altos Hills <br /> • Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Inventory." The presentation included: an overview <br /> of what a GHG inventory was; the reason for conducting the inventory; the process that <br /> was followed to gather the data for the Town's inventory; review of the data collected; <br /> and the key points in the"next step"process. <br /> Schmidt had partnered with the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives <br /> (ICLEI) and staff to develop the GHG inventory report. The inventory figures were <br /> estimates only and expected to change over time. 2005 was used as the base year and the <br /> data for the inventory had been provided by the Town staff, PG&E, LAGCo, ICLEI, and <br /> government sources. Software provided by ICLEI was used to analyze the data which <br /> was divided into "Government Operations" and"Community". <br /> Schmidt reviewed the analysis of the Town's government operations that reflected a <br /> downward trend of CO2e emissions. The Town's new garbage contract that proposed to <br /> use more efficient fuel trucks with fewer trips per home was expected to factor into even <br /> lower emission rates. The community analysis was more difficult to measure given that <br /> some of data was based on estimates and assumptions. Schmidt suggested that natural <br /> gas and electricity was probably the best place to focus reduction efforts given that they <br /> would be easy to track via PG&E data. The current residential usage for the Town and <br /> was above residential norms for other cities. <br /> Schmidt outlined the proposed next steps in the process to reduce emissions which <br /> included establishing targets that would match the state's AB-32 targets. His action plan <br /> • included: the education of residents on the issues; the creation of a voluntary residential <br /> 11 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 13,2008 <br />