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3. Acceptance of 2007-2008 Street Rehabilitation Project-Resolution#75-08 <br /> (Staff: R. Chiu) <br /> 4. Notification of Fast Track: Lands of Somasundaram, 12244 Windsor Court, <br /> (File #163-08-ZP-SD) A Request for a Site Development Permit for a New <br /> 5,748 square foot Two Story Residence and Detached Second Unit <br /> (maximum height: 28') CEQA Review: Categorical Exemption per Section <br /> 15303(a) (Staff: N. Horvitz) <br /> PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> Jitze Couperus, resident, provided a brief update on the Adobe Creek Restoration project. <br /> The relocation of several wood rat habitats had delayed the project and necessitated a <br /> permit extension. A majority of the site work has been completed and the final stage of <br /> re-planting the creek with natural vegetation was expected to be finished by mid-January <br /> 2009. <br /> Council extended a thank you to Mr. Couperus for his service on the Adobe Creek project <br /> noting that the revitalized creek was an asset to the beauty of the Town. <br /> Rich Larsen, resident, thanked the City Council for their guidance and support on the <br /> West Loyola neighborhood annexation and sewer project. On behalf of the West Loyola <br /> Sewer Assessment District No. 1, Larsen presented a framed certificate to <br /> Councilmember O'Malley for his ongoing support over the past 8 years. <br /> • Jim Abraham, resident, thanked Councilmember O'Malley for his 8 years of service as a <br /> Councilmember noting that O'Malley had always been a "voice of reason" and guiding <br /> light on many critical projects for the Town. <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> 5. Consideration of Resolution Ordering Abandonment and Sale of the Approximately <br /> 8,712 Square Foot Vacant Town-Owned Land Identified as APN No. 182-21-003 <br /> (property located adjacent to Altamont Road near the intersection of Black <br /> Mountain Road) (Staff: City Attorney) <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Warshawsky and Councilmember Breene Kerr recused themselves from <br /> consideration of this item and stepped down from the dais. <br /> City Attorney Steve Mattas introduced the item to Council. Mattas explained that the <br /> item subject to the public hearing related to a piece of Town owned property that was <br /> approximately 8,712 square feet located across the street from Byrne Preserve. Mattas <br /> reviewed a vicinity map with Council that identified the property and adjacent property. <br /> The Municipal Abandonment Law of 1939, allowed the City Council to abandon the <br /> property if certain criteria was met. The criteria included: 1) the property had not been <br /> used by the public for park purposes, 2) no consideration had been paid for the property <br /> except by the Town, and 3) no public funds have been extended to improve the property <br /> • as a park, and the City Council could make the determination that the property was not <br /> 3 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 13,2008 <br />