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Town's one acre parcel minimum called for in the General Plan. He stated his support <br /> for the sale of theroe <br /> p P rtY. <br /> • Councilmember O'Malley concurred with Councilmember Jones. He did not want to see <br /> the creation of a non-conforming piece of property and noted that the only person that <br /> would have an interest in the parcel were the adjacent property owners. O'Malley <br /> reiterated that the Town had followed a sophisticated appraisal process and believed the <br /> sales price was reasonable for the parcel. <br /> Mayor Mordo concurred with the comments of the Council. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC COMMENTS <br /> Jim Abraham, resident, believed that the appraisal had been flawed and the parcel should <br /> have been valued as a residential piece of property. He opposed the sale and was of the <br /> opinion that it was inappropriate for the Town to not take the right-or-way dedication at <br /> the time of the sale. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC COMMENTS <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Jones, seconded by O'Malley and <br /> passed unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 78-08 approving a purchase and sale <br /> agreement between the Town of Los Altos Hills and Steve and Karla Jurvetson for the <br /> sale of APN 182-21-003. Direction was given to the City Attorney to amend the <br /> • agreement to add a provision that required the purchaser to merge the two parcels. <br /> 10. Consideration of Holiday City Council Meeting Schedule and Cancellation of <br /> Regularly Scheduled Meeting(s) (Staff. K. Jost) <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Warshawsky, seconded by <br /> O'Malley and passed unanimously to cancel the November 27th and December 25th <br /> regularly scheduled City Council meeting due to their conflict with holidays. <br /> 11. Consideration of Revised Schedule of User Fees at Westwind Community Barn <br /> (Staff. N. Pegueros) <br /> Councilmember Breene Kerr recused himself from consideration of the item and stepped <br /> down from the dais. Mayor Pro Tem Warshawsky recused himself and did not participate <br /> in the discussion. <br /> Finance Director Nick Pegueros introduced the item to Council. Council had before them <br /> a resolution to adopt a revised schedule of user fees at Westwind Community Barn for the <br /> period beginning January 1, 2009. In July, 2008, the City Council adopted a six month <br /> operations budget for the facility using data provided by the prior operator. With four <br /> months of revenue and expenditure experience, the Town now had reliable data to <br /> forecast the annual budget for the operation of boarding services. Pegueros noted that the <br /> most notable increase in costs has been for feed and bedding. Additionally, managing the <br /> • barn as a public facility had significantly increased barn operation costs. The proposed <br /> 9 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 13,2008 <br />