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materials including e-waste would be accepted. Cahill explained that neighbors of the <br /> previous sites that had been used for the program had complained and the Town was <br /> going to start with one site as a test and would evaluate it after the first Clean-Up Day. If <br /> the single site appears to present a problem for residents, additional satellite sites would <br /> be investigated. <br /> Mayor Mordo offered that many residents were not aware that there was a single charge <br /> for collection from 0-100 feet. This rate had been established to allow residents to have <br /> the collection behind fences or in their yards. Councilmember Jones noted that it was <br /> important for residents to be made aware that a truck might be used to collect trash up a <br /> driveway. Frank Weigel, GreenWaste Recovery Chief Operating Officer, explained that <br /> the truck used for the "hard to serve" collections was not much bigger than an average <br /> Suburban but if residents would call and express a preference and advise them of the carts <br /> locations,they would be happy to make the collection by walking up the driveway. <br /> Council thanked GreenWaste Recovery for the update. <br /> Kim Cranston, resident, requested Council consideration of repealing or setting a widely- <br /> noticed public hearing to review Ordinance 503, the landscaping ordinance regarding <br /> eucalyptus trees. Cranston offered that the ordinance was damaging the rural nature of <br /> the Town and suggested that very few residents fully understood the cost of the <br /> requirements that were imposed on residents with building projects. Cranston added that <br /> the ordinance was environmentally unsound and he suggested that there was a less <br /> extreme approach to reducing fire danger. <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> 10. Review and Consideration of an Initial Study and Adoption of a Negative <br /> Declaration for the El Monte Road Pedestrian and Bicycle Pathway Project <br /> (Staff. R. Chiu) <br /> City Engineer/Public Works Director Richard Chiu introduced the item to Council. In <br /> conformance with CEQA requirements, an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration <br /> had been prepared for the previously Council approved El Monte Road Pedestrian and <br /> Bicycle Pathway Project. A Notice of Intent to adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration <br /> had been published in the Town Crier and submitted to the Santa Clara County Clerks <br /> Office for a 30 day public review period. To date, the Town had not received any public <br /> comments regarding the project. Chiu noted that based on the Initial Study, staff had <br /> concluded that the proposed project, as mitigated would not have a significant effect on <br /> the environment. <br /> Chiu reviewed the site plan and proposed landscaping with Council. Councilmember <br /> O'Malley suggested that it might be easier for motorists to see pedestrians in the <br /> proposed walkway on the median without additional trees. Council was supportive of the <br /> project. <br /> • <br /> 4 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> October 9,2008 <br />