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• <br /> • <br /> D. Owner and Town desire to limit the use of the Property,by dedication of a <br /> conservation easement in order to ensure the preservation of the existing structures and to <br /> reduce potential adverse impacts on the Property including grading, vegetation removal, <br /> and erosion, recognizing that much of the Property is essentially unimproved and if <br /> retained in its natural state has substantial ecological and scenic value, and that the <br /> preservation of the Property with certain attendant structures as open space constitutes an <br /> important physical, cultural, historical, aesthetic and economic asset to the Town and to <br /> Owner. <br /> E. Owner intends to convey a conservation easement as defined in and <br /> governed by Cal. Civil Code Sections 815.1 through 815.10, inclusive, and 816 <br /> (hereinafter called the "California Conservation Easement Law") and all rights of the <br /> holder of a conservation easement under the California Conservation Easement Law to <br /> Town over the Property including the right to preserve and protect, in perpetuity, the <br /> natural, scenic open space and other Conservation Values of the Property, subject to the <br /> restrictions contained herein. <br /> F. Town is a"qualified organization" under Section 170(h)(3) of the Internal <br /> Revenue Code and is an entity authorized to acquire and hold a conservation easement <br /> pursuant to Cal. Civil Code 815.3. <br /> G. Town has adopted a General Plan and, pursuant thereto,may accept grants <br /> of conservation and open space easements on privately owned lands lying within the <br /> Town of Los Altos Hills. Town finds this conservation easement to be consistent with <br /> the adopted Town's General Plan and in the best interest of the Town. <br /> H. Town agrees by accepting this Conservation Easement to honor the <br /> intentions of Owner stated herein and to preserve and protect in perpetuity the <br /> Conservation Values of the Property for the benefit of this generation and the generations <br /> to come. <br /> AGREEMENT <br /> NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above and the mutual covenants, <br /> terms, and restrictions contained in this Conservation Easement and pursuant to the <br /> Internal Revenue Code and the laws of California, Owner hereby voluntarily, <br /> unconditionally and absolutely grants and conveys to Town this Conservation Easement <br /> over the Property for good and valuable consideration. Town hereby accepts the grant of <br /> this Conservation Easement and agrees to protect the conservation values of the Property <br /> in perpetuity. <br /> 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Conservation Easement is to assure that the <br /> Property will be retained in perpetuity predominantly in its current natural, scenic and <br /> open space condition and to prevent any use of the Property that will significantly impair <br /> Crozier Hogle Conservation Easement 2 <br />