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•) • <br /> or interfere with the conservation values of theheProperty. Owner intendsthat this <br /> Conservation Easement will confine the use of the Property to such activities as are <br /> consistent with the purpose of this Conservation Easement. <br /> 2. Restriction on Use of Property. During the term of this Agreement and the <br /> conservation easement granted herein, the Property shall not be used for any purpose <br /> other than a conservation easement and those uses related to or compatible therewith. <br /> Owner, for the direct benefit of the Property described herein, hereby declares that the <br /> Property shall be subject to restrictive covenants running with the land which shall be <br /> binding upon all subsequent grantees. Said restrictive covenants shall be: <br /> a. Against the placement or construction of any residential or non-residential <br /> buildings, structures, or other improvements of any kind including, without <br /> limitation, fences, roads, driveways and parking areas except as set forth in <br /> Section 3; and <br /> b. against the extraction of natural resources or other activities which may <br /> destroy the unique physical and scenic characteristics of the land; and <br /> c. against the grading of land for reasons other than attendant to permitted uses; <br /> and <br /> d. against the cutting of vegetation, except as may be required for fire <br /> prevention, thinning, elimination of diseased growth, and similar measures; <br /> and <br /> e. against any plantings other than native vegetation except as set forth in <br /> Section 3(d); and <br /> f. against the demolition,removal or relocation of the main house; and <br /> g. against the keeping of livestock,except for two horses; and <br /> h. against any commercial operation; and <br /> i. against the subdivision of the land. Neither owning the Property as individual <br /> interests, many members of the Owner's family or others,nor the creation of a <br /> life or future estate, among ownership of all or part by any partnership,trust or <br /> other entity, is or shall become a subdivision under the terms of this <br /> Conservation Easement. <br /> 3. Reserved Rights and Exceptions. In accordance with Section 815.4 of the <br /> Cal. Civil Code, all real property rights of owner in the Property which are not transferred <br /> and conveyed hereby, or which are not expressly granted to Town or prohibited herein, <br /> are reserved to the Owner. The Town Council of the Town may authorize exceptions to <br /> the foregoing restrictive covenants, provided such exceptions are consistent with the <br /> Crozier Hogle Conservation Easement 3 <br />