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• <br /> consistent in character with the existing buildings as well as the rural, <br /> wooded character of the property overall. <br /> g. Maintenance of existing roads and fencing. The maintenance of existing <br /> fencing shall allow for the free passage of wildlife. This provision shall <br /> not prohibit the installation of a fence and gate around the perimeter of the <br /> pool and deck. Roads shall only be surfaced with permeable materials, <br /> must be in keeping with the open space character of the property,and shall <br /> be subject to review and approval by the Planning Commission and Town <br /> Council. <br /> h. The use of the Property for recreation which requires no additional surface <br /> alteration or land development. <br /> i. Degradation of Scenic and Natural Character. There shall be no use or <br /> activity such as clearing, mining, grading or storage of materials that <br /> degrades or is likely to degrade the scenic and natural character or <br /> Conservation Values of the Property. <br /> j. Watercourses,Wetlands,Ponds, Creeks, Streams. There shall be no use or <br /> activity that, in any way, alters or impacts any pond,wetland, or existing <br /> watercourse, creek,or streambed located on the Property. <br /> k. Water and Mineral Rights. There shall be no sale or transfer of any water <br /> or mineral rights appurtenant to the Property. <br /> 1. Owner may selectively remove early successional tree species using <br /> woodland management practices to promote climax vegetation or to <br /> improve wildlife habitat. <br /> m. Off-Road Vehicles. There shall be no use of off-road vehicles and use of <br /> any other motorized vehicles except on existing roadways. <br /> n. Agricultural Activity. There shall be no agricultural activity of any kind, <br /> including,without limitation,vineyards. <br /> 4. Rights of Town. To accomplish the purpose of this Agreement, the <br /> following rights are conveyed to the Town: <br /> a. To preserve and protect the conservation values of the Property. <br /> b. To enter upon the Property at reasonable times in order to monitor <br /> compliance with and otherwise enforce the terms of this Agreement in <br /> accordance with section 6; provided that, except in cases where the Town <br /> determines that immediate entry is required to prevent,terminate,or <br /> mitigate a violation of this Agreement, such entry shall be upon prior <br /> reasonable notice to Owner, and the Town shall not in any case <br /> unreasonably interfere with Owner's use and quiet enjoyment of the <br /> Property. <br /> c. To prevent any activity on or use of the Property that is inconsistent with <br /> the purpose of this Easement and to require the restoration of such areas or <br /> Crozier Hogle Conservation Easement 5 <br />