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AYES: Kerr, O'Malley, Warshawsky <br /> NOES: Jones, Mordo <br /> • ABSTAIN: None <br /> MOTION FAILED: Motion failed due to the lack of a two-thirds majority vote. <br /> Council discussion of potential candidates to serve on the committee as Town <br /> representatives ensued. Mayor Jones advised Council that Education Committee Chair <br /> Bart Carey had volunteered. Councilmember O'Malley noted that it was important given <br /> that Carey was not opposed to renaming the school; to appoint someone as the second <br /> representative that would have a differing view point. Vice Mayor Mordo recommended <br /> that the appointees should not have a predilection on the issue. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> (Public was advised to limit their commitments to the appointment of representatives) <br /> Duncan MacMillan, Los Altos Hills resident, advised Council that two current Los Altos <br /> School District Board members had volunteered to serve on the committee and suggested <br /> that two Councilmembers be appointed as the Town's representatives. MacMillan <br /> suggested that anyone (citizens) that had commented on the subject prior to the meeting <br /> not be considered because of their expressed bias. He reiterated the importance of <br /> returning public education to Los Altos Hills and the importance of the re-opening the <br /> campus. <br /> • Cathi Lerch. Los Altos Hills resident, commented that she had emailed Superintendent <br /> Justus requesting appointment to the committee. She noted that she had an open mind <br /> regarding the naming options of the school. Her children had attended Bullis and she had <br /> been on the staff at the school. Lerch volunteered to serve on the committee as a Council <br /> appointee. <br /> Vice Mayor Mordo stated that he preferred the appointment be a non-councilmember <br /> given the history of conflict with the school district and he did not wish to politicize the <br /> issue. He suggested Council consideration to appoint two residents who were open- <br /> minded on the subject. <br /> Jill Jensen, Los Altos Hills resident, commented that the issue before Council of retaining <br /> the name of Bullis-Purissima for the elementary school was very important and centered <br /> on tradition. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> Mayor Jones summarized the discussion. Two names were currently before Council, <br /> Planning Commissioner Bart Carey and resident Cathi Lerch. <br /> MOTION MADE AND WITHDRAWN: Motion made by Councilmember Kerr to <br /> reconsider the previous motion to add the urgency item to the agenda. Motion withdrawn <br /> by Kerr. <br /> • <br /> 4 Regular City Meeting Minutes <br /> April 10,2008 <br />