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public school in Town noting that it had taken six years for this to come to fruition. He <br /> understood that the name of the school was important but believed that the quality of the <br /> education was the key issue. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> Duffy Price, Los Altos Hills resident, explained that Gardner Bullis was the Town's first <br /> City Attorney and offered that retaining the name was important and a change to a street <br /> name could potentially erode community support. She hoped the Council could reach a <br /> consensus to support retaining the name. <br /> Duncan MacMillan, Los Altos Hills resident, reported that he had attended the Los Altos <br /> School District's Board meeting where the subject of the committee had been broached <br /> and he believed they were looking for at least one council representative to serve on the <br /> committee. MacMillan clarified that Mr. Bullis had played a key role in the incorporation <br /> of Los Altos and Los Altos Hills and had served as the unpaid attorney for the Town for <br /> approximately seven years. The name has been continuously used by the District since <br /> the closure of the school in reference to the site. MacMillan did not believe it was <br /> appropriate to change the name but believed Gardner Bullis Elementary School would be <br /> an acceptable compromise. <br /> Cathi Lerch, Los Altos Hills resident, suggested that the name change could be a <br /> polarizing factor between the Town and District. She spoke to the value of the Bullis- <br /> Purissima name and its importance for fundraising and historical continuity. She could <br /> • support Gardner Bullis as an alternative but did not wish to see the school renamed after a <br /> street. <br /> Jill Jensen, Los Altos Hills resident, spoke to an article in the Town Crier that had <br /> questioned "people on the street" about a possible name change for the school. Five out <br /> of six responses (Los Altos residents) had supported retaining the name. Jensen noted <br /> that changing the name would be costly for the District and might have an affect on other <br /> District priorities. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> MOTION MADE AND FAILED: Moved by Kerr that the Council recommend: 1) the <br /> name not be changed; and 2) if the District moves forward with changing the name, <br /> Gardner Bullis would be a suitable alteration. (Motion failed due to the lack of a second) <br /> Vice Mayor Mordo offered that for the Council to participate in the committee, it was <br /> important that they enter into the discussion in good faith without a predetermined <br /> position. <br /> Councilmember O'Malley commented that he believed it was important to keep the <br /> discussion nonpolitical and did not support the appointment of a Councilmember to serve <br /> on the Committee. <br /> • <br /> Regular City Meeting Minutes <br /> April 10,2008 <br />