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MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Kerr, seconded by O'Malley and <br /> passed unanimously to agendize the draft letter for their consideration. <br /> City Manager er Cahill offered that staff had been advised yesterday (1/23/08) by the <br /> Sheriff's Department of the proposed fee. The Board of Supervisors would be <br /> considering the proposed 911 and Disaster Preparedness fees at their January 29, 2008 <br /> meeting. If passed, the County would require phone companies to attach the fees to <br /> phone charges for everyone in the county. Cahill noted that staff had identified several <br /> issues of concern in the proposed legislation that were applicable to the Town and the <br /> residents. <br /> Duffy Price, Los Altos Hills County Fire District Commissioner, explained that the <br /> District also intended to send a letter to the Board of Supervisors. The District's Counsel <br /> was reviewing the proposed fees. Price noted that the Fire District currently provides <br /> Emergency Disaster Preparedness training to residents at no charge. In addition, a phone <br /> g Y p g <br /> notificationemergencyrocess formessages to residents was in place. She suggested <br /> P <br /> that it would be appropriate for the County to provide additional time for analysis of the <br /> proposal. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Kerr, seconded by O'Malley and <br /> passed unanimously that the letter before Council on the dais be forwarded to Supervisor <br /> Liz Kniss and the Board of Supervisors under the signature of Mayor Jones. <br /> 17. Consideration of Resolution Ordering the Preparation of Engineer Estimates and <br /> . Hiring of Professional Advisors to Assist Staff in Forming a Sewer Assessment <br /> District <br /> City Engineer Richard Chiu introduced the item. Before Council on the dais was the final <br /> iteration of a resolution to initiate proceedings to form a benefit assessment district to <br /> construct sewer works and improvements in the West Loyola neighborhood. Residents of <br /> the area had delivered a petition with signatures of approximately 85% of the neighbors <br /> in support of the formation of the sewer benefit assessments district that would finance <br /> construction of the sewer infrastructure. Approval of the resolution would allow the <br /> Town to move forward with the execution of agreements with the necessary professionals <br /> to prepare the Engineer's Report. The Report would beprovided to the Council at a later <br /> date for their approval. The Report would also provide the necessary details to the <br /> affected property owners regarding estimated construction costs for the project and <br /> assessment values for each of the benefitedro erties. <br /> P p <br /> City Attorney Steve Mattas clarified that the resolution before the Council on the dais had <br /> several modifications from the version that had been provided in the packet. The changes <br /> were not substantive relative to the direction that had been provided by Council. He <br /> reviewed the changes and noted that paragraph seven (7) addressed the issue of costs that <br /> would be incurred with the preparation of the Engineer's Report, including staff time and <br /> legal costs. The resolution required a reimbursement agreement be signed by a majority <br /> of the benefited parcel owners and a necessary deposit be placed with the Town prior to <br /> the start of any work. If the Sewer Assessment District was formed, the initial costs <br /> could be included in the assessment. Mattas explained that this insured that if the <br /> 10 Regular City Meeting Minutes <br /> January 24,2008 <br />