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4. Acceptance of 2 Quarter Investment Report for the Period Ending <br /> December 31, 2007 <br /> 5. Approval of Amendments to Personnel Policies and Employee Benefits Manual <br /> Resolution No. 5-08 <br /> 6. Acceptance of Grant of Open Space Easement, Lands of Russ and Navarro; 12374 <br /> Melody Lane, File#96-07-ZP-SD-GD <br /> Resolution No.6-08 <br /> 7. Adoption of Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance Section 10-1.508 (Estate Homes <br /> Ordinance) CEQA Review: Exempt pursuant to Section 15308-Ordinance No. 511 <br /> Motion to Waive Further Reading Motion to Adopt the Ordinance <br /> 8. Acceptance of the Foothill College Bike Lane/Pathway (Moody/El Monte Roads <br /> Segment#2) Project—Resolution No.7-08 <br /> 9. Award of Contract for Environmental Consulting Services for the El Monte Road/Foothill <br /> College Pathway and Bike Lane Project(Segment 3)—Resolution No. 8-08 <br /> 10. Acceptance of the Sanitary Sewer Main Replacement Project at Moody Road; <br /> EPS,Inc.—Resolution No. 9-08 <br /> 11. Consideration of 2000 Park Bond Project Application(Staff E. Christensen) <br /> Resolution No. 10-08 and Resolution No. 11-08 <br /> PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> Kim Cranston, West Fremont Road, requested that the City Council agendize for their <br /> consideration at their next meeting, a proposal regarding the relocation of a pathway in <br /> front of his residence. He had discussed the issue with staff and presented it to the <br /> Pathways Committee. Cranston commented that the Committee had approved the <br /> pathway's relocation. He suggested that by moving the pathway approximately 5 feet,the <br /> Town's and their potential liability of people being injured on the path by the Eucalyptus <br /> trees along the path would be reduced. It would also help to minimize the cost of <br /> maintaining the trees. <br /> Ginger Summit, Pathways Committee Chair, clarified that the Cranstons had requested a <br /> review of their pathway issue by the Committee. The Committee had supported their <br /> request for a realignment of the path in deference to their hardship in maintaining the <br /> trees but had required that the new path be constructed in accordance to IIB roadside path <br /> specifications. <br /> Vice Mayor Mordo offered that there were several components to the Cranstons' pathway <br /> issue. First, the feasibility of trimming only one side of the Eucalyptus trees as a <br /> maintenance option; and, second, who would be responsible for the costs associated with <br /> • the path's realignment. <br /> 5 Regular City Meeting Minutes <br /> January 24,2008 <br />