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• Enhance the Town Little League Fields <br /> • Access adjacent recreational assest <br /> Mayor Jones reminded Council and the audience that a.public hearing had been scheduled <br /> for the December 13, 2007 regular City Council meeting. At that time, Council would <br /> consider the Parks and Recreation priorities and appropriate project funding. <br /> Jones reported that the Ad Hoc Committee on Recreation was recommending a total <br /> budget of approximately $3 million. Projects currently identified for consideration <br /> included: a park at the Bullis-Purissima campus located on the upper field; improvements <br /> at the Little League fields that included drainage, maintenance, safety issues and a <br /> potential sport court; pathways capital improvement projects; Los Altos Community <br /> Pool; and, Westwind Community Barn improvements. <br /> Councilmember Kerr advised Council that there was a possibility that a proposal for a <br /> park at Hidden Villa could be included in the December 13, 2007 meeting discussion. He <br /> would keep Council apprised of the issue. Mayor Jones volunteered to discuss the issue <br /> with the Hidden Villa Board Chairman Lee Price. <br /> WESTWIND COMMUNITY BARN <br /> Councilmember Warshaswky recused himself from the discussion on Westwind <br /> Community Barn and stepped down from the dais. <br /> • Councilmember Kerr explained that the item before Council was an information only <br /> update on the status of the investigation/review of improvements to the Westwind <br /> Community Barn. At the previous Council meeting, Kerr had requested an opportunity to <br /> present the report to Council to garner Council input and direction on the proposed <br /> improvements at the facility. He hoped that the presentation would bring the project <br /> development"inline" with the other recreation proposals and permit it to be considered at <br /> the December 13, 2007 public hearing. <br /> Kerr introduced Architect John Miller. Miller had toured the Barn, meet with staff and <br /> members of the WCBC. <br /> Miller provided an overview of his presentation and explained that design was an <br /> evolution and the one before Council had been evolving very quickly. His presentation <br /> included four options and one master plan concept. <br /> Miller proceeded with a PowerPoint presentation. He reviewed the mission statement for <br /> Wetwind Barn that had been developed over the last year and called for the facility to be a <br /> working equestrian training and boarding facility; provide community oriented <br /> educational and recreational activities; the preservation of the local historical landmark; <br /> to make the Barn code compliant and a functional physical plant; and, to be welcoming <br /> and accessible to everyone in Town. Miller noted that the "Program" that he had <br /> addressed in his designs called for the addition of a manager's residence, handicap <br /> accessible restrooms, improvements to the meeting space, storage, seismic "retrofitting", <br /> upgrades to the electrical system, and, connection to the sewer. <br /> 4 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> October 25,2007 <br />