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Miller reviewed the current condition of the Barn and the topography of the site. The <br /> Barn's lower floor's walls were constructed primarily of concrete and masonry units <br /> (cinder block) with minimal reinforcement. The upper level of the Barn currently serves <br /> as a hayloft and storage area and is located under the wood framed gable roof. The site <br /> topography of the site was relatively steep and the Barn was located on the narrow section <br /> of the lot. <br /> Miller summarized his four designs. They included: <br /> Option 1: Manager's residence was proposed within the current footprint of the Barn. <br /> The area within the Barn where the residence would be located would be tom down and a <br /> new residence would be constructed to life and safety seismic standards. Miller <br /> explained that when you changed the use (occupancy) from equestrian to residency, the <br /> code required that the facility be upgraded to the current building code standards. <br /> Councilmember Kerr explained that the approach identified by Miller as Option 1, the <br /> construction of a new residency on the second floor with stalls beneath, would be a <br /> separate new facility but within the current footprint and joined by a flexible membrane. <br /> This option would retain the current "look" of the building. Kerr noted that additional <br /> seismic retrofitting to the Barn was recommended. Option 1 was the most cost effective <br /> method to provide the Manager's unit and one room for emergency sleep-overs. The <br /> proposal also included a break room/meeting space for the users of the barn and new <br /> restrooms. The code would not permit the meeting room to be used as a community <br /> room. <br /> • Councilmember O'Malley noted that the proposed residency over horse stalls could be <br /> problematic given horses sensitivity to noises overhead. He suggested that the first floor <br /> space might be more suitable for other uses. <br /> Option 2: Proposal included a small new two-story addition on the right side of the Barn. <br /> The first floor included an office, tack room and a community room with the manager's <br /> living quarters located on the second floor. Restrooms would be located on the outside of <br /> the barn on the new first floor. The concept of this proposal was to locate the addition <br /> with the items (residency, etc.) that would trigger a required upgrade to the facility <br /> outside the footprint of the Barn.. <br /> Option 3: The concept of the proposal was to perform the minimum amount of work <br /> within the Barn and to locate a new pre-fabricated living unit for the manager outside the <br /> footprint. Miller suggested the new unit be situated where the round riding pen was <br /> currently located. Miller reviewed the efficiencies to the proposal noting that it called for <br /> the least amount of disturbance to the Barn and horses. <br /> Option 4: The concept called for upgrades to the electrical system, sanitary sewer, <br /> restroom, and seismic safety of the current Barn facility without any improvements to the. <br /> residency. The option called for the manager to rent off-site. The plan did provide for an <br /> emergency overnight bunk room. <br /> 5 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> October 25,2007 <br />