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previously approved final map. Staff would review the Master Path Map for the path <br /> route in question and report back to Council. <br /> • MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Mordo, seconded by Warshawsky <br /> and passed unanimously to approve the amended Parcel Map, Lands of Horton. <br /> Resolution No. 76-07 <br /> PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> Dru Anderson, Emergency Communications Committee Chair, addressed Council. She <br /> provided an overview of her 3 year term as Chair of the Committee and shared with <br /> Council the safety attire they wear during their drills and emergencies that would identify <br /> them as emergency volunteers (jacket, hard hat, identification card). Anderson noted that <br /> the membership of the Committee had grown during her term to include 21 voting <br /> members and 4 associates, all certified amateur radio operators. Many of the members <br /> are both SEIMS and CERT trained. <br /> She thanked the Council for their continuing support of the Emergency Communications <br /> Committee and noted that Rick Ellinger would be beginning his tenure as Chair at their <br /> next regularly scheduled meeting. She would continue as the business lead on the <br /> antenna upgrade at the La Cresta water tank and in their efforts to bring a"ham"presence <br /> for emergency preparedness to Foothill College. <br /> Council thanked Anderson for her dedication and volunteer commitment to Los Altos <br /> • Hills' emergency preparedness. <br /> Fritz Mueller, Duval Way, addressed Council. He explained that he was before Council <br /> to advise them of the re-routing of the campus loop road that was currently being <br /> proposed by Foothill College and included in their Facilities Master Plan. He distributed <br /> a schematic of the proposal to Council. Mueller offered that the proposed change to the <br /> road would severely impact neighbors of the College. Every car that entered the campus <br /> traveled on the road. He thanked the staff for their involvement and support of the <br /> neighbors' opposition and encouraged the City Council to continue to monitor the <br /> situation. <br /> Pat Meneely, Duval Way, thanked Planning Director Debbie Pedro for her recent letter to <br /> Foothill College commenting on the impact to residents of the proposed loop road to the <br /> residents. She believed the proposal would not only impact their life negatively with <br /> noise and pollution but would have an impact on the environment. She asked the Council <br /> to remain vigilant on the project. <br /> Bob Meneely, Duval Way, explained that the proposed loop was very close to his <br /> property and with approximately 10,000 vehicles traveling daily in and out of the campus <br /> via the road, the effect would be devastating. He noted that the residents had not been <br /> informed of the revised Master Plan or been afforded an opportunity to offer their input. <br /> Meneely suggested that the loop road realignment would also negatively impact the <br /> nearby seasonal Purissima creek that had been reclassified as a drainage swale. He <br /> 4 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> October 11,2007 <br />