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requested Council support to protect their neighborhood. Meneely stated that the <br /> residents had tendered an alternative to the College. <br /> • Councilmember Warshawsky questioned what authority the Town would have on the <br /> proposed realignment of the campus road. City Manager Cahill clarified that the Town <br /> had identified their concerns to. the College in a letter regarding the project. Staff <br /> believed that there was some jurisdictional authority over the road and the corresponding <br /> drainage impact. Additionally, staff would have an opportunity to comment on the <br /> environmental documents. Cahill noted that the College had circulated an EIR for the <br /> first phase of the project and at that time it did not appear that neighbors would be <br /> adversely impacted as they are in phase 2 with the realignment of the road. Cahill was <br /> hopeful that the issue could be resolved with the College officials. He added that the <br /> Town also wanted to ensure that the realignment did not affect the current Josefa pathway <br /> that was integrated into the campus. <br /> Albert Jackson, Duval Way, thanked the Council for their support. He explained that the <br /> neighbors have experienced three years of construction on the campus that just recently <br /> was completed. The proposed realignment would impact the newly constructed parking <br /> lot on campus. Jackson explained that the road would be used by students, service <br /> vehicles, buses and delivery trucks. Due to the slope of the road, there would be constant <br /> noise from vehicle acceleration. He believed the road would have a negative aesthetic <br /> and environmental impact. Jackson had attended the College Trustees' meeting and <br /> submitted what he considered a realistic alternative to address pedestrian and vehicle <br /> issues. <br /> • Mary Ann Malcolm, Duval Way, commented that she loved the rural nature of her <br /> neighborhood and was very concerned about the potential damage the realigned road <br /> would have on the creek. Foothill College had already removed oak trees for their <br /> construction project. She encouraged the City Council to assist the residents in their <br /> effort to stop the proposed loop road. <br /> Councilmember O'Malley requested that the Santa Clara Valley Water District be <br /> advised of the project and potential danger to the creek. <br /> Mayor Jones offered that the direction of the City Council was currently being taken by <br /> staff. The expectation was for staff to continue to keep the Council apprised of the issue <br /> and to agendize the matter if any formal direction from Council was warranted. <br /> Councilmember Kerr commented that he had visited the site and expressed his concern <br /> that an existing pathway had been damaged during the previous construction. He <br /> believed that the College would listen to the issues the neighbors had expressed but he <br /> wanted to advise them that the most likely outcome would be a compromise. <br /> City Manager Cahill noted that Charles Allen, Executive Director of Facilities, <br /> Operations and Construction Management, Foothill College, was in attendance. Mayor <br /> Jones thanked him for listening to the residents' comments and the expression of concern <br /> from the City Council on the issue. He noted that the Council looked forward to having a <br /> • resolution to the issue and offered to assist with the process. Jones added that the College <br /> 5 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> October 11,2007 <br />