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City Council Minutes
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11/3/2014 9:40:49 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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Mayor Jones noted that the agenda item had been the primary focus of the September 27, <br /> 2007 Council Strategic Goal Setting Session. The identification of the recreation <br /> • priorities and corresponding capital improvement budget would be considered as a public <br /> hearing at the December 13, 2007 regular Council meeting. He sought Council input on <br /> the logistics and planning of the December meeting. Council had previously approved <br /> the mailing of a Town-wide notice of the public hearing, and Jones requested Council <br /> consideration of scheduling options. He suggested that the Bullis school upper fields, <br /> Little League fields improvements, pathways construction projects, and the Los Altos <br /> community pool be scheduled for the December meeting and Westwind Barn be the <br /> subject of a public hearing at the January meeting. Jones offered that scheduling <br /> Westwind Barn for discussion at the January meeting would permit the necessary <br /> additional time to consider the governance issue and facility improvements. Additionally, <br /> he suggested that the Westwind Community Barn Committee should have a <br /> recommendation for a project plan for the facility by the January hearing. <br /> Vice Mayor Mordo questioned if there would be funding available for the Barn following <br /> the December 13th hearing. He suggested the second meeting in January would be a more <br /> appropriate hearing date because of the holidays if Council decided to schedule <br /> discussion of the barn for a second hearing because of the holiday schedule. <br /> Councilmember Kerr understood Mayor Jones' concern that the Westwind Barn's <br /> proposal was not adequately developed given the presentation that was made at the <br /> Strategic Goal Setting Session. He proposed that an agenda item be scheduled for the <br /> next Council meeting to address the Barn's infrastructure and identify what was <br /> • necessary, at a minimum, to correct the outstanding issues at the Barn not the restoration <br /> of the facility. He added that he would like the opportunity following the discussion at <br /> the next meeting, to refine the proposal and bring it in line with the other recreation <br /> opportunities presentations. <br /> Kerr suggested that the topics for discussion at the October 25, 2007 meeting could <br /> include the expenditure of the cell tower revenues for the more critical improvements at <br /> the facility and a status report from the Westwind Community Barn Committee(WCBC) <br /> on the governance issue. <br /> Mayor Jones queried if it would be helpful for the City Council to give direction to the <br /> Westwind Community Barn Committee on the ultimate product that Council was seeking <br /> for the Barn. Drawing from the previous Council discussion at the Strategic Goal Setting <br /> Session, Jones had identified the following as his proposed direction for Westwind Barn <br /> and was seeking Council input. He suggested that the City Council supported the <br /> restoration of the Westwind Barn as a historic building in Los Altos Hills. He noted that <br /> this was a goal without comment on the expenditure of public funds versus private. <br /> Jones suggested that the improvements be focused on the following features: 1) Maintain <br /> the existing footprint of the building with no new buildings or add-ons; 2) upgrade the <br /> public bathroom; 3) upgrade the overnight accommodation — small residence quarters <br /> appropriate for one person; 4) improve the electrical and plumbing as necessary; 5) <br /> • improve the lighting as appropriate and cost effective; 6) eliminate the dry-rot as much as <br /> possible; 7) beautify the building through paint and window replacements appropriate to <br /> 8 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> October 11,2007 <br />
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