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residence on site not only for safety reasons but also to be able to retain a qualified barn <br /> manager. <br /> • John Harpootlian, resident, suggested that during discussions of the Westwind Barn <br /> restoration project, the Council ask "why" restore vs. repair. He noted that the Town <br /> survey had shown residents had little interest in Westwind Barn and the boarders have not <br /> been interested in spending funds in the past for restoration. Harpootlian encouraged the <br /> Council to limit the funds to only repairs that were needed to ensure continuation of the <br /> Parks and Recreation programs. <br /> Shari Emling, Westwind Barn Committee, commented that the Barn should be used for <br /> the benefit of the general public but that the Friends of Westwind have kept it a private <br /> club. <br /> CITY COUNCIL GOAL SETTING SESSION <br /> 2. Mayor's Overview of Progress to Date <br /> Mayor Jones- general comments. <br /> Jones offered that recent changes in Los Altos Hills had resulted in more resources being <br /> available for the Town than any other time in history. Property appreciation, residential <br /> turn over and recent legislation that guaranteed the Town an equitable share of property <br /> taxes had increased the Town's capital. Roads and sewers were two critical issues that <br /> required funding. Additionally, Jones had set a goal of including Parks and Recreation in <br /> budget discussions to ensure that these important services to the community were also <br /> considered. Currently the Town was in the community building aspect of the process and <br /> investigating the different opportunities to develop recreation facilities. It was important <br /> to ensure that resources were allocated to benefit the greatest number of residents. <br /> Jones spoke to the recent sale of the Town's Story Hill Lane property for approximately <br /> $1.4 million dollars. The proceeds from the sale were considered a "down payment" on <br /> Parks and Recreation facilities investments. The monies realized from the sale would be <br /> circulated back into the community via parks and recreation. . <br /> Jones reviewed the four part process to identifying and prioritizing the recreation <br /> opportunities. They included: 1) a Town-wide survey that had provided important data <br /> on the resident's recreation interests; 2) per the recommendation of the Standing Parks <br /> and Recreation Committee, the formation of the Ad Hoc Committee on Recreation and <br /> Field Investments. They were performing the due diligence on recreation options; 3) the <br /> evening's strategic goal setting session for Council that would afford them an opportunity <br /> to hear from consultants, garner feedback and determine the overall budget and identify <br /> the recreation priorities; and, 4) the scheduling of the future public hearing to gather <br /> public comment and Town wide notification of same as the final step in the process. <br /> Vice Mayor Mordo suggested that for Council to set a multi-year budget for recreation, it <br /> was important to have an understanding of the "budget" envelope. He had asked Finance <br /> • Director Nick Pegueros to make a brief presentation to Council. <br /> 3 City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br /> September 27,2007 <br />