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Mayor Jones reported that the Ad Hoc Committee on Park and Recreation Facilities and <br /> Investments has recommended that pathways be considered as a segment in the overall <br /> • recreation budget. <br /> Councilmember Kerr spoke to the current pathway project by Foothill College. He <br /> offered that the Town might have to revisit the project to consider landscaping along the <br /> riparian corridor. Kerr advised Council that he had requested staff to investigate potential <br /> costs associated with the landscaping and their findings would be brought back to <br /> Council for their consideration. <br /> 16E. Complete the Redrafting and Approval of the Town General Plan <br /> Councilmember O'Malley reported that the Ad Hoc Committee had completed their <br /> review of the Safety Element and had begun their review of the Noise Element. <br /> Planning Director Debbie Pedro reported that a consultant would be working on the <br /> Element to develop the required Noise Contour Map. He had begun his study and was <br /> currently collecting data. Six noise meters have been placed on the Town's busiest <br /> arterials for a 24 hour period to collect decibel readings. <br /> 16F. Complete the Undergrounding Pilot Project <br /> Councilmember Warshawsky reported that following review of the Undergrounding <br /> Project construction bids, it had been determined that adequate Rule 20A funding was <br /> available to complete both pilot projects. Interim City Engineer Cyrus Kianpour noted <br /> that bids for the project had been lower than expected. Award of the contract for the <br /> project would be forwarded to Council for their approval either in late October or early <br /> November. <br /> 17. Award of Grants to Community Service Agencies <br /> City Attorney Steve Mattas recommended that the City Council consider approving the <br /> funding in the similar manner that the awards were discussed during the review process. <br /> Councilmember Kerr would recuse himself from consideration of the grant to the <br /> Community Health Awareness Council (CHAC) and similiarly, Mayor Pro Tem Mordo <br /> would recuse himself from consideration of the grant to the American Red Cross. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Jones, seconded by O'Malley and <br /> passed unanimously to approve the grant of $9,450.00 to the Community Health <br /> Awareness Council. Councilmember Kerr recused himself from consideration of this <br /> item and stepped down from the dais. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Kerr, seconded by Warshawsky and <br /> passed unanimously to approve the grant of $5,150.00 to the American Red Cross. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Mordo recused himself from consideration of this item and stepped down <br /> from the dais. <br /> • <br /> 12 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> September 13,2007 <br />