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Christensen noted that the proposal before Council was a pilot program and there was an <br /> expectation that it would be modified if it became a permanent program. In the future, he <br /> did not expect the care of the horses to be included in the program costs. Additionally, <br /> staff would solicit proposals from a vendor to see what alternative trail ride options were <br /> available. <br /> Mayor Jones reviewed the fiscal impact of the pilot program. Approval of the <br /> recommendation would require funding of$2,022.15. <br /> Council discussion ensued. Councihnember O'Malley questioned the liability issue of <br /> the program and insurance. Christensen explained that the YRRP instructor would secure <br /> coverage and the Town would be insured by ABAG,their insurance provider. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> Ginger Summit, Pathways Chair, commented that she was pleased to learn that <br /> equestrians would be using the Town's pathways. She questioned how many riders <br /> would be included in the rides. <br /> Councilmember Kerr explained that the trail rides would be limited to four or five riders. <br /> At the conclusion of the pilot program, the Pathways Committee would have an option to <br /> comment on the program and the impact on the paths. <br /> Toni Casey, Ravensbury Avenue, suggested that equestrian users of the pathways be <br /> encouraged to be good neighbors by cleaning up after their horses especially on road side <br /> paths that were frequently used by pedestrians. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Kerr, seconded by Mordo and <br /> passed unanimously to approve the request for Town funds for costs associated with the <br /> pilot trail riding program for adults. <br /> 22. Consideration of an Ordinance Repealing Title 5, Chapter 4 of the Municipal Code: <br /> "Pinball, Marble and Claw Machines" <br /> Mayor Jones advised that a resident had brought the obsolete and outdated ordinance to <br /> his attention. <br /> Planning Director Debbie Pedro explained that the ordinance before Council would <br /> repeal Title 5, Chapter 4 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code titled Pinball, Marble and <br /> Claw Machines. The original ordinance was approved by the City Council in 1956 and <br /> was applicable to commercial purposes. Staff recommended striking the entire chapter. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by O'Malley, seconded by Kerr and <br /> passed unanimously to waive reading and introduce the ordinance repealing Title 5, <br /> Chapter 4 of the Los Altos Municipal Code. <br /> 16 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> September 13,2007 <br />