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Mayor Jones offered that the City Council was looking forward to a speedy resolution to <br /> • the annexation process by LAFCO and welcoming the residents of the West Loyola <br /> neighborhood to Los Altos Hills. <br /> 14. Negative Declaration and Tentative Map for a Six-Lot Subdivision: <br /> Lands of Mad Manor,II,LLC, 27641 Purissima Road. File#22-06-IS-ND-TM-GD <br /> Leslie Hopper, Consultant Planner, introduced the item to Council. Before Council was a <br /> proposed six-lot (six) subdivision of approximately twelve (12) acres located at the <br /> intersection of Purissima Road and Elena Road. Deer Creek ran through the west portion <br /> of the property. Hooper proceeded with a PowerPoint presentation and reviewed an aerial <br /> vicinity map of the site and surrounding properties; the lift station for the La Cresta sewer <br /> project approved in 2005 and currently under construction; the maintenance road and <br /> bridge that would serve the sewer line; layout of the proposed subdivision and the six <br /> parcels; public road that served parcels 1-4 and the easement that would serve parcels 5 <br /> and 6; and the proposed pathway that had been recommended by the Pathways <br /> Committee and was consistent with the Path Master Plan. <br /> Hopper noted that the property was currently owned by Mad Manor 11, LLC. Mad Manor <br /> was a family"name" and the name of the property and owner's residence located on parcel <br /> 1. Mad Manor was also the name of the owner, Ruth Morrison's business entity. <br /> Morrison had requested that the public road be named Mad Manor Way. Hopper advised <br /> Council that there had been discussion of the name during the Planning Commission's <br /> review of the project and the Commission had recommended that the road be named "Mad <br /> Manor Way"according to the wishes of the owner. <br /> Hopper reviewed the proposed open space easement on the property along Deer Creek. <br /> The standard easement on a property would be located twenty-five (25) feet from the top <br /> of the creek bank. The Open Space Committee had recommended an expanded easement <br /> to include the drip line of four heritage oaks on parcel 2. The illustrations of the two open <br /> space easements were displayed on a slide exhibit of the site plan for Council. Following <br /> discussion of the easement requirement at the Commission's hearing, they had concurred <br /> with the owner's request and were recommending that the western boundary of the open <br /> space easement on Parcel 2 be twenty five (25) feet from the top of the bank rather than <br /> the dripline of the heritage oaks as recommended by the Open Space Committee. The <br /> heritage oaks were located on a flat area of the parcel. The lot, as proposed, was <br /> constrained. She reviewed the conceptual footprint of the house. <br /> In response to a question from Councilmember O'Malley regarding the alternative open <br /> space easement that included the dripline of the trees, Hopper explained that it had been <br /> drawn conceptually using an aerial of the site. <br /> Hopper advised Council that staff had prepared an initial study for the project. Based on <br /> the study, staff was recommending that a negative declaration be determined and <br /> mitigation measures be adopted. The Planning Commission had recommended Council <br /> approval of the Initial Study and adoption of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and <br /> • Mitigation Monitoring Program; and, approval of the Tentative Map for the six-lot <br /> 5 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> September 13,2007 <br />