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City Council Minutes
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11/3/2014 9:43:26 AM
Creation date
11/3/2014 9:43:24 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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because of the associated costs. She had a binder of pictures and documents to support <br /> her comments and offered to share them with the Council. <br /> Morrison added that she had agreed to bring sewer to the subdivision at a major expense <br /> and would be expediting the process. She expected to begin the sewer project prior to <br /> October 16, 2007. <br /> Peter Kline, counsel for the applicant, proposed that Conditions of Approval 5 and 6 be <br /> modified to include direction to the City Engineer to consider the drainage issues from <br /> off-site sources and that CalTrans be included in the mitigation measures as determined <br /> by the City Engineer. <br /> Ginger Summit, Pathways Committee Chair, thanked Ms. Morrison for providing the <br /> pathway easement. The new easement would provide a connector between La Cresta and <br /> Purissima. Summit explained that for safety there were many agreements between <br /> neighbors for escape routes. <br /> Toni Casey, Ravensbury Avenue, spoke in favor of the subdivision as approved by the <br /> Planning Commission and suggested that the Heritage Oak Tree Ordinance that had been <br /> written by her and Bill Siegel during their tenure on the City Council provided adequate <br /> protection for the trees. Casey reminded the Council that during the site development <br /> review process for approval of the homes on the lots, there would be an additional <br /> opportunity for Council to review and approve the development. <br /> . CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Mayor Jones requested clarification on the comments made by the applicant's counsel <br /> regarding the offsite drainage and inclusion of the item in a condition of approval. City <br /> Engineer Cyrus Kianpour explained that when the Town performs the hydraulic analysis <br /> of the project, the volume of runoff from Interstate 280 would be considered. He noted <br /> that the Town was monitoring the current improvements being made on Interstate 280 <br /> and the impact of drainage. Kianpour added that the volume of water runoff at the site <br /> was regulated by the existing outfall. The issue that would be investigated was <br /> "duration" or the amount of time it takes for the runoff to reach the site. He noted that if <br /> that had changed, the Town would work with CalTrans. Kianpour explained that the <br /> peak volume of water that flows to the site was regulated by the existing pipeline and that <br /> particular pipeline was not being increased in size. <br /> Mayor Jones proposed that to facilitate discussion of the application, Council comments <br /> be organized into the following topics: 1) the general subdivision; 2) Parcel 2 and the <br /> heritage oak trees; 3) name of the public street; and 4) other issues. Council concurred. <br /> 1) Subdivision—no comments <br /> 2)Parcel 2 and the heritage oak trees <br /> Councilmember O'Malley commented that he did have concerns about the lack of an <br /> open space easement that would protect the oak trees but noted that the circle that <br /> 8 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> September 13,2007 <br />
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