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11/3/2014 9:43:26 AM
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11/3/2014 9:43:24 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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protected the dripline of the trees was very intrusive into the building area. As an <br /> alternative, he proposed Council consideration of a redrawn circle that protected three <br /> trees and not the outlying tree. The reduced circle would permit more building space and <br /> a better building footprint and would protect the other three trees. The remaining tree <br /> would be protected by the Heritage Oak Tree Ordinance. <br /> Councilmember Kerr supported the recommendation of the Open Space Committee to <br /> include the dripline of the oaks in an open space easement. He acknowledged that he had <br /> been elected to preserve the rural nature and ambiance of the Town and believed future <br /> residents of the proposed subdivision thank the City Council for protecting the beautiful <br /> strand of oaks. Kerr noted that the applicant had not been required to donate park land <br /> and felt it was very important to ensure that the riparian area, creek and trees were <br /> protected. He commented that a constrained lot still had a monetary value. <br /> Councilmember Warshawsky requested clarification on the provision regarding arborist <br /> requirements specified in the Heritage Oak Tree Ordinance. It was noted that an arborist <br /> would have to review any proposed building development in the trees' dripline. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Mordo noted that there would have been little discussion of including the <br /> oaks in an open space easement if they were located on a slope but given that they were <br /> located in a flat area, the most desirable building area of the parcel, he understood the <br /> extended discussion. He questioned if any consideration had been given to locating the <br /> forty (40) foot setback to face "Mad Manor" Road. Mordo offered that he understood <br /> that the house footprint was conceptual but that his suggested modification would provide- <br /> ten additional feet and the lot would be less constrained. He concurred that there was <br /> more protection for the trees if they were placed in an open space easement but <br /> alternative) he believed that an prospective owner of the roe would understand <br /> Y� Y p p <br /> property rtY <br /> the inherent value the trees added to the property. <br /> 3.Name of Street <br /> Mayor Jones explained that it was within the power of the City Council to name public <br /> streets. He voiced his support for leaving the name of the street open during the Tentative <br /> Map approval and approving the name during the Final Map review and approval. The <br /> City Attorney advised that naming the street was the discretion of the Council and calling <br /> it street"A" at this time would provide time to review options. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Mordo concurred with Jones. He suggested that the Standing Historical <br /> Committee review possible names that were consistent with the history of the Town. <br /> Councilmember Warshawsky commented that he understood the applicant's interest in <br /> naming the street; however, as a public road it was important for the name to be reflective <br /> of the Town. <br /> 4. Other Issues—none <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Jones, seconded by Kerr and passed <br /> by the following roll call vote to adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigated <br /> 9 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> September 13,2007 <br />
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