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applicant had requested an exception to the Fence Ordinance for a minor encroachment <br /> into a pathway easement. The Planning Commission had approved the request with a 3-2 <br /> vote. Subsequently, Councilmember O'Malley appealed the approval to permit Council <br /> discussion of the legal ramifications with the permitted fence encroachment within a <br /> pathway easement. <br /> At the Council meeting of March 8, 2007, the City Council opened and continued the <br /> public hearing of this item. Cahill offered that the applicant had since amended his <br /> application and was currently proposing to construct the fence outside the <br /> pedestrian/equestrian easement. Cahill explained that the revised fence application <br /> before Council fully complied with the Town's Fence Ordinance and was consistent with <br /> the terms of the pathway easement on the property. <br /> Cahill proceeded with a PowerPoint presentation that included a diagram of the <br /> property's boundaries; the siting of the new proposed fence, existing fence, and <br /> pedestrian and equestrian trail easement on the property; and, a photo simulation of the <br /> proposed fence at the intersecting property lines of Lands of Papp and Lands of <br /> Sakamoto. Pursuant to the Town's current codes, the property owner was entitled to build <br /> his fence along his property line. However, to accommodate his neighbor, Mr. Papp had <br /> offered to offset his fence from the property line. The proposed fence was a 6 foot <br /> wooden frame fence with a wire mesh. <br /> Staff recommended approval of the application as presented. Cahill suggested that any <br /> • additional discussion of the siting of the fence should occur between neighbors and that <br /> Town should not impose any additional setback to the fence. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Mr. Papp, applicant, explained that the estimated cost of the attorney's review of his <br /> application had been key to his decision to amend his application and relocate his fence. <br /> -He noted that his neighbor had originally been amenable to the fence location between <br /> their properties but has since requested relocation of the fence due to her expressed <br /> concern that she would have difficulty moving her horse in the event of a fire. Papp has <br /> agreed to adjust the fence and work with his neighbor to accommodate her concerns. <br /> Alice Sakomoto, Simon Lane, addressed Council. She stated that she was of the opinion <br /> that the construction of fences was detrimental to maintaining the open rural nature of <br /> Los Altos Hills. She noted that with approval of this application, her property would be <br /> enclosed by her neighbors' fences and negatively impact her view. Sakamoto suggested <br /> that the fence would prohibit the movement of large wild life and hoped the Council <br /> would revisit the current fence ordinance. Sakamoto explained that she was not opposed <br /> to all fencing and currently has a fence to corral her horse, but wanted to be sure that <br /> fences were appropriate to maintaining a rural environment. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> 12 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> March 22,2007 <br />